Source: www.abundancethebook.com

Nusantara is a term from Kawi language that specifially refer to outer islands. Nusantara derived from two words which is, “Nusa” mean islands and “antara” mean outer, so the literal meaning of Nusantara is outer islands. Nusantara is use by some regions like Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries. The term Nusantara now in Indonesia means is “Indonesia Archipelago” and in Malaysia, Nusantara means is “Malaysia Archipelago”. 

The first recorded use of the word Nusantara is in an oath by Gajah Mada in 1336, written in old bibles name Paraton and Negarakertagama. Gajah Mada is a powerful military leader and prime minister of Majapahit in Java, Indonesia in the past. Gajah Mada became a powerful military leader and prime minister because he brought the empire to its peak glory. Gajah Mada delivered an oath called “Sumpah Palapa, Where he stated: Sira Gajah Mada pepatih amungkubumi tan ayun amukita palapa, sira Gajah Mada: Lamun huwus kalah Nusantara ingsun amukti palapa, lamun kalah ring Gurun, ring Seram, Tanjungpura, ring Haru, ring Pahang, Dompo, ring Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, samana ingsun amukti palapa. Which means that Gajah Mada vowed to not eat any food until he conquered all of Nusantara under the glory of Majapahit. The term Nusantara word prefer to outer islands outside of Java under hegemony of Majapahit Empire. Colonies outside of the Java island must pay annual tribute.

Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com

After the oath by Gajah Mada, in 1920 Ki Hajar Dewantara Proposed that the term of Nusantara to be changed to Dutch region in Indonesia. Ki Hajar Dewantara proposed this because the Ducth use word Indie that mean Hindia, which often is confused with the other region India. Because of that, Ki Hajar Dewantara proposed Nusantara to become the alternative word of Dutch region in Indonesia. Then, Eduard Douwes Dekker introducing the term of Nusantara is “Indonesië” or “Insulinde”. Finally when Indonesia became an independent country in 1928, the term of Nusantara never changed. Until now, the word Nusantara is synonym with Indonesia. 

Nusantara now is associated with various main things like culture, anthropogeography, and even politics. In culture, the meaning is all of the culture, religion and art in Indonesia. In anthropogeographic, the meaning is geographical distribution of people in Indonesia. Then in politics, the meaning is the insight of Nusantara. This insight is about the knowledge to build Nusantara or Indonesia.




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Darren Marvelim