Event Review BSSC EXPO 2023 “Adventure Awaits”

With the start of the new term of BINUS University, BINUS Square also renewed their contract with new Boarders. On August 27-28 of 2023 we have held BSSC EXPO 2023 “Adventure Awaits” where this EXPO was held in order to introduce new Boarders especially Binusian 27 to BSSC and also open the opportunity for them to register themselves to BSSC 14th Presidency. In this EXPO there were a lot of exciting things to do aside from BSSC’s main booth such as games stands and our sale booth which sells our official merchandise (e.g. lanyards, T-shirts, etc).

Throughout our EXPO, new Boarders are very excited to join in our EXPO and that excitement burns throughout the day. With each person coming the EXPO itself becomes more and more exciting and of course we can also feel the tension rising with each passing second. Many of them visited our games and sales booth where they can play fun games and also buy their necessities for their daily life in BINUS Square. Besides selling BSSC’s merchandise, we also sell basic daily life needs that they will need when living in BINUS Square such as brooms, trash can, electric water dispensers and many more.

On the first and second day of the EXPO, there were a huge number of Boarders coming to see and learn about BSSC. All of them were enthusiastic and eager to learn more about what BSSC is and what the programs from each division were like. After they’ve finished on hearing our explanation on BSSC as an organization, a lot of them play the games at our booth and many of them buy the things we sell at our sale booth. Everyday, we start at 9 AM – 7 PM Jakarta time and it was once more a memory to be remembered on BSSC 13th Presidency.

Kezia Santoso