History of Pancasila Day

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The birth of Pancasila, which is commemorated every June 1st, is one of the most historic moments in the journey of the Indonesian nation. This event was marked by Soekarno’s speech on June 1st, 1945 at the meeting Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI) or Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai which was located in the Chuo Sangi In building on Pejambon 6th Jakarta. The speech contained the initial basic concept of the Indonesian state, which was named Pancasila. There are five precepts. The first principle of “Nationalism,” the second principle of “Internationalism or Humanity,” the third principle of “Democracy,” the fourth principle of “Social Justice,” and the fifth principle of “Belief in One Supreme God.” Through Presidential Decree Number 24th of 2016, June 1st was officially designated as the birth of Pancasila.

Pancasila had been known since the Majapahit era according to what was written in the book Negarakertagama by Mpu Prapanca and the book Sutasoma by Mpu Tantular. Pancasila comes from the word “Panca” which means five, while “Sila” means principal or principle. 

Source: asset-a.grid.id

Before independence, BPUPKI was given the task of preparing for Indonesian independence. One of their efforts is to hold a meeting to discuss preparations for Indonesian independence. Here is the scenario of BPUPKI discussion meeting:

  • On May 28th, 1945, the meeting was opened.
  • On May 29th, 1945, a discussion based on the state was held.
  • On June 1st, 1945, Ir. Soekarno conveyed his ideas about the basis of the state called Pancasila and was accepted by acclamation by all members of BPUPKI.


Source: asset.kompasiana.com

At the end of the BPUPKI meeting, a small committee was formed with the name “Panitia Sembilan”. The naming of the committee is based on the number of committee members. There are only nine people consisting of Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Mr. AA Maramis, Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso, Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Agus Salim, Achmad Soebardjo, Wahid Hasjim, and Mohammad Yamin. Panitia Sembilan had a responsibility to reformulate Pancasila as the state foundation based on Ir. Soekarno’s speech on June 1st, 1945. After going through a long process, Pancasila was successfully ratified by BPUPKI on August 18th, 1945, as a basis for Indonesia independence.






Sejarah Pancasila sebagai Dasar Negara


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Kevin Wijaya