Borneo as The World’s Lungs


Did you know that Indonesia is included as the lungs of the world? Indonesia is in the 3rd position after Brazil and Kongo. Then, why is Indonesia also considered as one of the lungs of the world? Well, let’s talk about this!



As we know, plants are one of the most vital elements in our lives. Plants can change CO2 (Carbon dioxide) to O2 (Oxygen) which is very useful for any creature on Earth, including humans. A forest with various types of large trees can be considered as the world’s lungs since it can supply oxygen. Indonesia can be considered as one of the world’s lungs because Borneo Island is dominated by tropical forest.

Tropical trees in Borneo can produce a huge amount of oxygen and absorb the carbon dioxide at the same time. The forest can also become a home for most flora and fauna which means it is a perfect place to conserve wild animals.



Therefore, we have to preserve the forest before it is too late. Without it, we will have poor air quality, global warming, extinction of flora and fauna, and many more. We can prevent this kind of disaster by planting more plants, recycling materials, and so on. Healing the Earth means we are healing ourselves. That’s why we have to take care of it.


Content References:,dengan%20bentuk%20hutan%20rawa%20gambut.,hutan%20hujan%20(rain%20forest).&text=Karena%20banyak%20dari%20pepohonan%20tersebut,dijuluki%20sebagai%20paru%20%2D%20paru%20dunia.

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Christian Michael Putra Mandala