Building Better Mental Health

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The perception of good health is not only limited to how well your body functions but also, how happy and balanced you are, and happiness is very influential to mental health. Mental health plays a big role in life. Your mental health influences how you feel, think, and daily behavior. Mental health is influenced by events in life that leave a large impact on one’s personality and behavior such as domestic violence, child abuse, or long-term stress. This causes mental disorders that can change the way we deal with stress, connect with others, make choices, and trigger desires to hurt ourselves. So far, people are still too focused to find out how to keep the body fit and healthy. In fact, like physical health, mental health is also very important to note. Maintaining mental health is as important as maintaining a healthy body, because mental health also has an important role so that someone can manage feelings and deal with various conditions in his life. For that, we need to know how to maintain our mental health.

Actually how to maintain mental health is not difficult. A few simple steps can be applied to improve the quality of mental health. We can start with simple things like our daily habits. Therefore, here are some tips that will help you to build your mental health better :

Get Used To Breakfast

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As we know that breakfast is one of the important activities to do because breakfast makes our physical and mental health better. When we don’t have breakfast, our blood sugar will decrease and our organs will be disturbed because our sugar intake to supply nutrients to the brain is insufficient and slowly makes our brain cells unable to regenerate. Because brain cells do not regenerate, this condition causes our brain work also decline so that it can trigger us to be anxious, stressed, and depressed. Besides, the quality and nutrition of our food also greatly affects our mental health. Eat the nutritional foods can help maintain our brain health so that nutritional needs for our body can be fulfilled and make our brain can work better.

Don’t Forget To Get Enough Sleep

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Many people are so busy with problems in life and work so that they forget to get enough sleep. Even many people sleep late or can’t even sleep well because of stress or depression. Decreased hours of sleep can cause bad moods, lack of concentration, trigger someone to easily stressed, depressed, moody, and other health problems. The body’s cells cannot regenerate properly without an adequate amount of sleep. Take your time to sleep for at least 8 hours to help maintain your mental health.

Exercise Regularly

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The body will release endorphins which help get rid of stress and improve your mood before and after exercise. That’s why exercise can be our way to maintain mental health and can ward off stress, anxiety, and depression. You can find simple ways to exercise, such as climbing stairs, or walking to a nearby place. To get the maximum benefit, do exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, and try to do it outdoors because sun exposure also helps the body produce vitamin D, which increases the level of serotonin in the brain.

Say Something Positive To Yourself

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Research shows that the way you think about yourself can have a strong effect on your mental health. When we view ourselves and our lives negatively, we also feel the negative effects. And vice versa, if you get used to using words that make it more positive, then this makes you more optimistic. Therefore, it is very important to get used to using positive words to avoid ourselves from stress, depression, or anxiety.

Learn To Be Grateful

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Grateful is associated with increased well-being, quality mental health, and happiness. A simple way to increase our self-grateful is to keep a journal and write things to be thankful for every day. By contemplating every good that happens in our lives and learns to be grateful can at least help reduce the burden of life that we feel and place ourselves to be optimistic and positive thinking so that we avoid stress, depression, and anxiety.

The steps to maintain mental health as mentioned above are not difficult to do, you only need to apply them in stages and be diligent in applying them in order to get long-term benefits. By doing this step, certainly can affect all aspects of life. If we maintain mental health, then we can feel some good effects such as improving mood, building endurance, and helping to enjoy life as a whole.

Article References

Aditya Saroinsong