Maze of the Death

On November 3rd 2017 in BINUS Square, we held a Halloween event that comprised of several games and one of them is a maze. We opened the registration at 5.55 PM, there weren’t a lot of people at first, due to the inconspicuous appearance of the maze itself. Therefore, there were only a few boarders walking around that place were aware of the maze.

However, as time went by, the main lobby steadily became more crowded. As the result, registration of the maze also increased, but that was not only the cause. The other cause was that because Exhibition Area was bustling with visitors. Participants that already played there were informed that we had a maze on Oak Room. Eventually, the maze area started to get crowded.

The ghost volunteers were a big hit, because of the cool/terrifying fx makeup, they could scare most of the players inside the maze. A lot of participants left being shocked and satisfied. Lastly, the maze area was a blast because it was one of the main part of our event. Although we had some difficulties inside and outside the maze, we also gained a ton of experience from this event. Nonetheless, this was our first ever event as a freshman in BSSC. For me personally, this was enough for all of us to learn from our mistakes and maintain the positive part that we got from this Halloween event especially in the maze part.

Stefani V.