First Try It, Then Love It, and Finally Be a Part of It

BSSC is currently the one and only student organization founded and held in BINUS Square. Being the only student organization there, BSSC strives for excellence by ambitiously running every year to achieve its goal and aspirations. BSSC is an organization, which can create and provide human resource that has global competitiveness and is able to play an active role in developing the inner talent and social awareness of boarders. BSSC are composed of 9 divisions, which are ART, BRANDING, CULTURE, MAGAZINE, SOCIAL, SPORT, HUMAN RESOURCE AND DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC RELATIONS, and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.


One of the divisions in BSSC that engaged in art and music. Art division’s main focus is to facilitate BSSC by creating the Hymn of BSSC, Instagram and YouTube content every month. Not only that, but art division is also responsible to organize a couple of events to facilitate BINUS Square boarders which are Halloween, Music Class, Art Class, and Talent Show. In art division, we can develop our ability in the field of art and music as well as soft skill in the field of leadership, and able to work together in a group.

“Through Art and Music Harmonize with us. Join ART!”


Where the production of every BSSC attribute and every BSSC merchandise takes place. In branding division, you are expected to explore your creativity and to come up with new and unique ideas every day. Those who join branding division will gain knowledge and experience in using ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, PREMIERE, AFTER EFFECT, and many more. If someone comes to us with zero knowledge of using any of those software, it’s okay, because if they have the drive to learn, we will provide training for them. Also, they will have the chance to decorate the BSSC HQ (SEKRE BSSC) walls. This year, branding division will hold an event for the first time. Producing an event will help us to develop our soft skill, such as: leadership and teamwork, thus the staffs can have both their hard skills and soft skills well-developed.

“Promote Our Brand to A Better Direction”


One of the many divisions in BSSC that has a huge impact on BINUS Square’s boarders, especially for international boarders, and for local boarders that are interested in various cultures. The activities held by OSR (Culture) are very useful in improving talents, relationships and foreign language skills among boarders. One of the activities organized by OSR (Culture) and the most awaited by the boarders is the Language Class, where the boarders will learn different foreign language from the overseas lecturer / tutor who will also give a little insight and overview of their culture. OSR (Culture) also provided an English Class for Security to train them to be able to communicate with the international boarders who settled here from the exchange program. Then, there are Culture Share and Outing Program that includes international boarders as participants and as volunteers at each event. These events have a goal to build relationships between boarders who came from different countries and train boarders to be able to adapt to those differences and turn them into good relationships with each other.

“Achieving Unity Through Diversity”


It focuses on increasing BSSC’s performance by maintaining the quality, and at the same time developing BSSC’s internal member through internal activities such as seminars and training. Some of the activities are Public Speaking Training, Sharing Sessions, Video Editing Training, Photoshop Training, and Knowledge Session. The type of training that will be held in the future will depend on the new member’s or division’s needs. HRD division also provides questionnaires for BSSC’s events in order to receive proper feedback from the attendees to improve member’s performance on holding future events. Events that had been held by this division are the 1st and 2nd Seminar, and the 1st and 2nd Gathering. By participating in those events, it will provide the members of BSSC a better understanding on organizational resources, needs, and capability to solve internal problems in the organization.

“Tailored for Individuals with Great Interpersonal Traits”


An integral part of the organization. Most, if not all forms of data collection, processing, and social media work are done by this division. Data collected from BSSC’s questionnaire will be recapitulated and analysed by IT, also tasked to record, organize, and archive every member’s basic information such as name, address, division, and e-mail signature. This division is also responsible on handling BSSC’s social media and its website, which includes, but not limited to Facebook, Line, Twitter, Instagram, ‘’, and ‘’. This year, IT Division will also organize a Website Training, on how to make, and maintain one.

“Meant for Those with True Passion in Technology”


One of the many BSSC’s divisions that works in journalistic. Magazine division will publish its magazine twice a year, both for local and foreign boarders. There are three main jobdescs for magazine: firstly, to make a wall magazine every 2 months; secondly, to make a magazine that contains Binus Square and BSSC events; lastly, to post Instagram content every month or on special occasions. Magazine division also has its own event which is Short Story Competition. It was held once a year to help boarders express their creativity through stories. In the 8th Presidency, we will develop this division further by becoming a media partner for another organizations.

“Perfect for People with The Best Interest in Journalism”


One of BSSC’s division which holds an important role on managing the spread of information and relations between BSSC and outside parties (individual, organization, and the public). Their responsibilities include partnership (cooperation between BSSC and outside parties) and being BSSC’s representative. To find partnerships for BSSC, this division will make a partnership proposal which will then be handed to the targeted parties. This division also represents BSSC in external events such as seminars and ceremonies. Event that were held by this division in the previous presidency is “4 Seasons Café”. Public speaking ability and being able to understand the dynamics of relations between 2 official parties are an integral part on what this division is all about.

“Public Relations, Meet New People with Us!”


Social division holds an important role on managing the social activity, presence, and awareness of BSSC and its members. This division focuses in raising our awareness of others by organizing events and activities based on sense of love, mutual help, and empathy for people in need. In the previous presidency, the social division held SHINE (Share Happiness, Inspiration and Education) and Blood Donation which were non-profit activities intended for the community. All profit gained by this division’s events will be donated to the parties in need. In the future, this division will organize more social events. Expanding the sense of humanity and deepening our understanding about various social conditions is what this division wants to achieve for all the staffs who actively participates. This division is most suitable for people who has a high interest on social based work.

“Share Happiness and Do Charity, One Can Make a Difference!”


The only division in BSSC which focuses in sport. Sport division’s main job is to facilitate both BSSC and BINUS Square boarders with fun, sport based events. Some of Sport division’s event is OBER (Olahraga Bersama) which is held 4 times in 1 presidency, Seminar Kesehatan that also provides free health check such as blood sugar and blood tension, Martial Art Class for self-defence, and BSSC Sport Weekend. In Sport division, we can develop our ability in the field of sport and stay fit every day.

“Stay Healthy, Stay Fit, and Stay Active with SPORT”


That is all the 9 divisions in BSSC 8th presidency. This year, we will organize a lot of brand new, fresh, creative, and innovative events for our members and boarders alike, so COME AND BE A PART OF BSSC!