Event Review BSSC 15th Cadre Forming 2024 “It Begins With Y-O-U”
BSSC 14th Presidency has reached its final destination and now BSSC 15th Presidency will begin to continue this journey. It’s the start of something new, new opportunities, new experiences, new chances, and new possibilities ahead. It has now started with BSSC Cadre Forming, an event created to bring together and prepare candidates to face the world of student organization. This year’s BSSC Cadre Forming uses the theme “It Begins With Y-O-U”, where we believe that the starting point or key to initiating change or process lies with the individual themselves. This event was held three days, onsite at Oak Room BINUS Square. In those three consecutive days, we brought 4 materials, such as “How To Handle Different Types of Audiences & Developing Leadership Strategies”, “Organization Tour” and “Sharing Session From Previous Leaders”, as well as “Getting To Know Yourself Through Art Therapy” with the help of amazing speakers.
On the first day, the event started with an opening from the MC and a prayer together. We then began the first material, “How To Handle Different Types of Audiences & Developing Leadership Strategies”, led by two speakers, Mr. Aditia Perdana, S.Kom., as SSO Manager BINUS Square and Mr. Rahmat Ilahi, S.Pd., M.M. as SSO Manager BINUS Kemanggisan. The speakers took turns presenting this material. We first learned about active, critical, and passive members/audiences to help develop leadership skills. After that, we also learned about leadership strategies with enhanced leadership skills, mentoring programs, leadership assessments, and many more. The first material session continued with questions from the candidates and answers from the speakers. Then this session ended well with an awarding of certificates to the speakers.
After the material session, candidates were formed into groups and were given time to get to know each other and time to discuss about the group project given. Each group consisted of nine to ten candidates with one advisor from BSSC to guide them. The project was to create a blueprint of an event and then create the poster of it to promote it later. Then, each group will also need to answer all the study cases given. Each group must finish the project before the last day of the event where they will present the results of the project. With that, the first day of the event ended with a documentation together.
On the second day, MC opened it with greetings and prayer. Then, it continued with the second material of the event, “Organizational Tour” from Mr. Kent Alber Fredson, Chairman of BSSC 14th Presidency, and Princess A.M. Bawekes, Vice Chairman of Finance and Event Management of BSSC 14th Presidency. We learnt about general knowledge of BSSC, from the history, vision and mission, and financial management in organization. After that, a Q&A session was brought up for the candidates who wanted to know more about BSSC and organization needs. The session ended well and each speaker was each given certificates as an awarding and appreciation for their sharing knowledge and presentation.
Following that, we proceed to the next material, “Sharing Session From Previous Leaders”, where this was a session where leaders from BSSC 14th Presidency’s events share their experiences and knowledge to each assigned group of candidates. At this point, the candidates have the opportunity to directly listen and ask anything related to the event, event preparations, team management, and other things from the leader directly. After the given time to share with each group, the leaders returned to the front to begin the Q&A session. The candidates then can ask any questions to any leaders, such as what the leaders learned from creating the events, the struggle, the evaluation, and their advice on how to handle a tough situation. At the end, each speaker was each given certificates as an awarding and appreciation for their knowledge and experience sharing.
Afterwards, each group was given time to discuss and continue again working on their project. Then, the second day MC closed the day with a prayer and documentation together.
On the final day, the candidates received their final material “Getting To Know Yourself Through Art Therapy” and a refreshing art therapy Session. Both the material and the art therapy session was led by Ms. Grace Indrawati, M.Psi., Psikolog, Licensed Clinical Psychology at withGrace Counseling. The candidates learnt how they can know themselves through art therapy, as well as reflection session where they need to write answers to the questions that can help to figure out our strengths and weaknesses, their values, beliefs, flaws, and reason to accept who they are. This helps them to explore themselves and prepare them for the challenges ahead.
After writing the answers, they then convert it into drawings in the art therapy session. It was an opportunity to use art as a tool to visualize outer and inner selves. They fold paper into a cabinet and start to draw the inside and outside of the folded paper. The drawings on the outside will show what others can see about yourself, and the drawings on the inside will show how we represent our true self. It’s a form of self-reflection on how we look and feel from the inside and the outside. After that, there’s a sharing session where candidates get to share their drawings to their fellow group members, and to the whole candidates in front.
The session ended well with a documentation together with the whole candidates and their artwork. The speaker was also given a certificate as an awarding and appreciation for the material and therapy session.
The next session was the peak of the last day, Marketing Challenge and Study Case Presentation. Each group was given a group project from the first day, and the night before the last day was the deadline of the group project. First presentation was the Marketing Challenge, where each group will have at least two representatives to promote their event through the event poster they created for one minute. After that, they will receive feedback from the judges of their poster and presentation.
After the Marketing Challenge, we had a lunch break for an hour to restore our energy and prepare for the next session.
The next session was the Study Case Presentation. Where all members from each group will present their final discussion from answering all the study case’s questions. Each group was given ten minutes to present their presentation. After that, they will receive feedback from the judges.
After all the presentations, a refreshing session of Performance Show was held to help re-energize the candidates. On this Performance Show, there are three categories where only two groups can have singing, two groups can have advertising parody, and a free choice for one group. After answering the question from the MC, the group that answered correctly first can try to test their luck spinning the wheel first. The category it lands on will be that group performance that they need to prepare. After preparation time, each group will have a maximum of 5 minutes to perform. Each group gave their best at their performance and everyone enjoyed each group’s performances.
Before ending this event, there was an Appreciation Session and an awarding session for the group with the highest score presentation. Awarding Session awarded two candidates for the most discipline and the most active candidate. For the highest score group, went to group two. We congratulate every winnings and the person/group who won receive awards in the form of chocolate and e-money.
To conclude the third day and the entire event, there’s a Sharing Session for candidates to share their thoughts and gratitude during the event, and a closing from the MC with prayer and documentation. We hope that this 3-day event will have them understand the basics of becoming an activist and gain new insight to be implemented in the future.