BSSC Gathering 2022 “Enjoy Your Journey”

BSSC Gathering 2022 “Enjoy Your Journey” which was held on Sunday, 21st August 2022 was a success. BSSC Gathering 2022 was finally carried out onsite again after the previous gatherings were carried out online. BSSC Gathering event aims for all BSSC members to get to know each other and familiarize themselves to become closer to each other. Not only with members in their divisions, but all members in the presidency. Yesterday on 21st August 2022, members of the BSSC 12th Presidency, several Advisors, and SOA visited Kota Tua, Jakarta. Not only Kota Tua, Jakarta, we also continued the event in the evening, namely Pensi Night. 

All participants who participated in the BSSC Gathering gathered at the BINUS Square’s Lounge Area at 07.30 WIB and left for Kota Tua at 08.00 WIB. After arriving in Kota Tua, the participants were briefed by the committee regarding the activities to be carried out. The first was to play the game “Geo Guesser”, where the game was played in groups and each group will be given a mission card to find a location and carry out a mission at that location. they had to find 10 locations and carried out 10 missions. For every completed mission, the group will get a certain number of points. All participants were called the word Hunter and in the Hunters group, there were intruders who are Illegal Hunters and Hunters needed to find the Illegal Hunter in their group. They were very good at finding and carrying out missions because within 2 hours the whole group had completed all missions. After playing the game, all participants were given 1 hour to rest and have lunch.

After lunch, all participants gathered together again to go to the Museum of Fine Art and Ceramics. In the museum, all participants went around the museum and continued with a workshop. The workshop was a pottery workshop. All participants enjoyed the workshop showing how creative they were in molding the clay. After the workshop was over, all participants immediately headed to the last museum, namely the Jakarta History Museum or commonly known as the Fatahillah Museum. At the last museum, we were explained about the history of Indonesia, especially Jakarta, in the museum by a guide. The information provided is very informative and interesting so all participants paid attention to the delivery of history seriously. Participants were at the Jakarta History Museum until the museum was about to close. After the visit to the museums, participants are given free time until 15.45 WIB, before finally regrouping to return to BINUS Square Hall of Residence.

It didn’t end there, participants are given time to rest and had dinner until 19.30 WIB to start Pensi Night at the Oak Room, BINUS Square. Pensi Night began with the opening from Edward, our special MC and ice-breaking game, namely “The Observation Game”. In this ice-breaking game, participants were divided into 2 teams, girls and boys, and tried to find out what is different from the opposing team in turn. The result showed that the girls did better than the boys in this game. After playing the ice-breaking game, we finally got to the core of the event, namely Pensi Night. On this Pensi Night, each group put on a pre-planned performance. Group 1 performed a stand-up comedy, group 2 performed Tulus’s song “Hati-Hati di Jalan”, and group 3 started the performance with a dramatic poem ending in singing “Balonku Ada Lima”, which is a children’s song. The best performance from Pensi Night was obtained by group 3.

Pensi night ended very memorably. After that, the MC handed over the mic to the committee to announce the winning group from the BSSC Gathering 2022. This was determined from the points that every group got from the game “Geo Guesser” game in Kota Tua earlier. In addition, there are extra points that can be obtained with certain conditions. The group that won from this event was group 3. Because group 3 also won Pensi Night, after the MC closed the event, group 3 was invited to perform again and this was well received by the other participants who participated in the performance. BSSC Gathering 2022 “Enjoy Your Journey” officially ended at 21.45 WIB.

Rachel Esmeralda Yoswandi