BSSC Senior Cadre Forming “Define Your Journey”

BSSC Senior Cadre Forming is an event that focuses on increasing knowledge and skills for members of the BSSC 12th Presidency. This year, BSSC Senior Cadre Forming took the theme “Define Your Journey” which aims to help the members of the BSSC 12th Presidency to determine their journey in the future. In this event, there were talk shows, ice-breaking games, training, and case studies to train the critical thinking of BSSC members.

This event was held for 2 days using the ZOOM Meeting on May 14th, 2022 at 19.00 to 21.00 WIB and on May 15th, 2022 at 14.00 to 17.00 WIB. BSSC Senior Cadre Forming “Define Your Journey” invited Gilbert Lorentius (as the Chairman of BSSC 11th Presidency) as a talk show speaker with the topic “The Importance of Organizational Identity” and Patrick Pasaribu (as the Chairman of BSSC 10th Presidency) as the judge for the study case on the first day. On the second day, BSSC invited Ruth Destiny (as Vice Chairman of Operation of BSSC 11th Presidency) and Shofi Rafiola (as Manager of HRD Division of BSSC 10th Presidency) as talk show speakers with the topic “Organizational Responsibilities”, Ryan Kristo as trainer with the topic SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Arjuna Accha Dipa (as Manager of Culture Division of BSSC 11th Presidency), and Ruth Destiny as judges for the study case on the second day.

On the first day, the event started with remarks from the Project Manager, Janice Olivia Limawan, followed by remarks from PDC, Yuliana Sari Arianna. After the opening remarks, to ease the situation the participants played the game “Tandai Aku”, which was followed by a talk show with Gilbert Lorentius as the Speaker with the topic of “The Importance of Organizational Identity”. Furthermore, participants were given a study case which will be discussed in groups for 15 minutes then the final results of the discussion will be presented. After the presentation, there was a feedback session given by Patrick Pasaribu, who will provide feedback on the results of the discussions that have been presented by each group. Finally, there was a briefing on the opening of the bidding Project Manager registration for the BSSC WONDER 2022.

On the second day, the event started with the game “Sambung Aku” followed by a talk show by Ruth Destiny and Shofi Rafiola with the topic “Organizational Responsibilities”. Here, we discussed the differences in job description from the EXCOM and Manager point of view. Furthermore, there was SEO or Search Engine Optimization training brought by Ryan Kristo from Toffee Events. Finally, participants were given cases study which will be discussed in groups for 15 minutes, then the final results of the discussion were presented. After the presentation, there were two judges who provided feedback on the results of the discussions that had been presented by each group. For the second day, there were Arjuna Accha Dipa and Ruth Destiny as judges who gave feedback to the participants. Before the event ended, there was a briefing for the opening of Chairman Candidate Training Program explained by the Chairman of the BSSC 12th Presidency.


Cindy Felicia Herson