Library Visit Day


Do you know that reading is one of the most important things to learn? Every September we have Library Visit Day in order to improve public literacy. But, were you curious about the history behind this event? If yes, you are going to the right place. Now let’s discuss the history of Library Visit Day.



Do you recognize the picture above? Yes, she is Mastini Hardjoprakoso, the figure who proposed the idea of the declaration of Library Visit Day that was held in Banjarmasin and also the first head of the National Library in 1980-1998. She proposed this idea through a letter number 020/A1/VIII/1995 on August 11, 1995. The letter was addressed to the president at that time, Soeharto.

In 1977, the government through Bappenas, told Prof. Selo Soemardjan to do some research for national library preparation by establishing a team that include Mastini Hardjoprakoso, Luwarsih Pringgoadisurjo, Rusina Syahrial, Sukarman Kerosedono, and Drs. Abdurrachman Surjomihardjo. This team then started to arrange a recommendation entitled “Reports and Recommendations on the National System of Libraries and National Libraries”. This team needs an estimated 2 years to proceed with the report and the recommendation.

On May 17th 1980, National library finally inaugurated with ministerial decree May 17th 1980 No. 0164/0/1980 which at that time the Minister of Ministry of Culture and Education was Dr. Daoed Joesoef.



In Bandung, Head of West Java Province Dispusipda, Dr. Ir. H. Ahmad Hadadi, M.Si, said that this year’s Library Visit Day theme is “Implementing the Library as a Literacy Center” which focuses on improving and motivating people’s literacy. On this special day, there are so many events such as mobile library celebrations, Candil week competition (Maca Dina Digital Library), Kolecer week competition (Smart Literacy Box), skills workshops, and webinars on Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation.

Last but not least, this special day is one way to help people to motivate them to read books and improve their literacy in a fun way.





Image Source:

Christian Michael Putra Mandala