BSSC Webinar “The Magic of Calisthenic”

BSSC Webinar “The Magic of Calisthenic” is an event held by Sport Division BSSC 11th Presidency. This webinar is held to increase people’s awareness of the importance of exercising during the pandemic, so they can exercise at home effectively. This webinar was held on Saturday, 22 May 2021, with Mr. Victor Agustono Putra from Grafity Bodyworks as the speaker.

On the day the webinar was held, many participants immediately entered the meeting room. Therefore, the moderator immediately opened the event in a semi-formal atmosphere. Before entering the main session, ice-breaking was carried out first to make the participants more fluid and focused on hearing the material later. The moderator also had a brief chat with the speaker, Victor Agustono Putra, so that he could describe a bit of the material to the participants who had joined

As a speaker who is an expert in the field of calisthenics, Mr. Victor is able to fill this webinar well. Frequently, he shared his experience and certifications regarding calisthenics to the audiences. Mr. Victor also did not forget to give some tips so that the webinar participants can do calisthenic movements from home. The enthusiasm of the participants can also be seen from the many questions given during the Q&A session.

Overall, the BSSC Webinar “The Magic of Calisthenic” can be said to be a successful event. The speaker was able to communicate well with participants so that they are able to distribute new, persuasive information along with tips to make participants interested in doing calisthenics at home. Participants also showed enthusiasm through the questions asked. The speaker also immediately responds by providing answers that are relevant to the question.


However, the events did not stop there. After the webinar was finished, the committee also prepared a challenge that all participants could participate in. This challenge is called “6 Days Challenge,” which contains a challenge of doing calisthenics for six days, starting from May 23 to May 28.

Committee has prepared the calisthenics that have to be done by the participants. They are jumping jacks, squats, planks, push-ups, tricep dips, and sit-ups. Later, the movement must be recorded and posted on Instagram by mentioning @bs_stucom with the hashtag #6DaysCalisthenic. This post will be judged to determine who is entitled to the prize.

A total of three winners will be selected, each of whom will get an e-wallet prize with a total of Rp. 225,000. This prize is aimed to invite participants to practice gymnastics movements. After 6 days, the winner for this challenge has been determined and immediately contacted the committee.

The announcement of winners has been announced with Marisa as the first winner, Priya as the second winner, and Cecillia as the third winner. Due to their effort and hard work to present the best calisthenics, they are entitled to IDR 100,000; IDR 75,000; IDR 50,000 consecutively.

Vincent Ghovandi