MC Training Program is an event held by the HRD Division of BSSC 11th Presidency that aims to provide training for some members who will be an MC in their division event. Therefore, they could run their job descriptions as an Event’s MC properly. MC Training Program was held for two days, on 11th – 12th May 2021. The Trainer of this batch was the Chairman of BSSC 11th Presidency, Gilbert Lorentius, and the Co-Trainer was the Manager of Culture Division, Arjuna Accha Dipa.

On the first day, the Trainer provided material for the participants. In this session, the Trainer informed about things that can be considered by an MC when performing such as intonation, articulation, harmony, pauses, and gestures. Not only that, the Trainer also informed the dos and don’ts, such as not mentioning the term organization, don’t create too much distraction, don’t create dead air, and so on. To cover this up, MC can do their best, find their own style, make eye contact, have self-confidence, and so on. The training was closed with important things that must be done by the MC as the closing of their event, such as conclusions, highlights, hopes, announcement, appreciation, and apologize.

Then, participants will be separated into two breakout rooms to perform a short simulation based on the rundown shared by the Trainer/Co-Trainer. Each breakout room consists of Trainer/Co-Trainer, moderator, two committees, and four participants. After participants have performed, they have received feedback from the Trainer/Co-Trainer. But, there will be different challenges/distractions from the committees for each participant. This challenge is intended to know their response while facing possible distractions when performing as an Event’s MC.

On the second day, the participants were asked to perform a short simulation based on their event rundown. Trainer and Co-Trainer will give them feedback after each participant’s simulation. During these two days, the participants learned how to be an ideal Event’s MC and developed their skills in hosting events.

Celine Tanzil