Eggs and Bunnies Become an Icon at Easter? Why?


Before we go to our main content, let’s discuss the history of Easter. There are two versions about where the word ‘Easter’ comes from. First is St. Bede the Venerable Version. He is a writer in the sixth century that had written a book called Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum. From his book, he claims that the word “Easter” comes from “Eostre” or “Eostrae,” a Goddess of Spring and Goddess of Fertility for the Anglo-Saxons. The second version is from historians that believe the word “Easter” is from in albis, an ancient Latin phrase for alba or dawn. Basically, Easter Day did not come from Christianity tradition. It was from the Anglo-Saxon festival to celebrate Goddess Eastre and the arrival of the spring season.


Based on history, eggs represent birth and fertility in a pagan tradition far before Christianity. In Christianity, eggs become a symbol of birth and synonymous with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, so Easter also becomes a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Easter is also related to decorating eggs. This tradition may become the famous one among the children yet having a good influence on introducing Easter day to them. But, you must be wondering when and where egg decorating events take place, aren’t you? 

Let’s go back for a while to around the 1290s when the first egg decorating events were held in England. King Edward I purchased around 450 eggs to be painted or to be decorated with golden leaves. These eggs will be distributed to the royal army for Easter day.

If you are interested in this story, you can read it from a book called “Stations of the Sun; A History of the Ritual Year in Britain” by Roland Hutton, a Professor of History at the University of Bristol.


On the other hand, bunnies also become an icon at easter. Many people and historians believe that this tradition began in America, coinciding with the arrival of German immigrants in the 1700s. In many traditions, bunnies or rabbits are energetic creatures that are able to reproduce quickly and a lot. So that, either rabbits or bunnies are known as a symbol of fertility and the beginning of new life. These facts explain why eggs and rabbits are associated with the symbol of birth and renewal

There is also another site that reveals about ancient Greeks that believed rabbits could breed as a virgin. It made many people believe that rabbits can be a symbol that represents Santa Maria, the Mother of Jesus.

In conclusion, either bunnies or eggs become a symbol on Easter Day because they were associated with birth and renewal, just like Jesus Christ who resurrected from death after He passed through His misery.


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Christian Michael Putra Mandala