3 Unique Traditions in Indonesia to Celebrate Easter

Source: akcdn.detik.net.id

Who doesn’t know Easter? Easter is an important day for Christians around the world to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave on the third day after the crucifixion. Usually, the Easter celebration is identical to decorating eggs. However, there are some unique traditions of Christians in several regions in Indonesia. Want to know what are the unique traditions in Indonesia during Easter? Here are three unique traditions to even out Easter in Indonesia.


1. Semana Santa, East Flores

Source: pegipegi.com

The Semanta Sana celebration is a tradition practiced by Catholics in Larantuka, East Flores. The celebration of Semana Santa is also called “the holy week” which is held from Thursday (Holy Thursday) to Sunday (Easter Sunday), with the peak of the celebration on Friday (Good Friday).

During the celebration (Holy Thursday), a seven-kilometer road will be prepared which is decorated with candles and on that road, a parade will be held. The statue of the Virgin Mary or what is called Tuan Ma will be bathed and worn in black clothes as a sign of mourning. After that, the statue will be brought to the parade. Then on the next day (Good Friday), the statue of the body of Jesus will be floated in the water. The ritual continues on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.


2. Memento Mori, Central Kalimantan

Source: pegipegi.com

Next is the Memento Mori tradition. Memento Mori itself comes from Latin which means “remember death” or “ingatlah akan kematian” in Bahasa. This is a tradition practiced by Christians in the Palangkaraya area, Central Kalimantan. Their family members will gather and make pilgrimages to the graves of their relatives. They will light the candles and sprinkling flowers on the graves from late afternoon (Holy Saturday) to early morning (Easter Sunday).


3. Pilgrimage to The Cave of Virgin Mary in Sendangsono, Kulon Progo

Source: gotravelly.com

The next tradition comes from Kulon Progo. Catholics and Christians in the Kulon Progo area have a pilgrimage tradition at The Cave of Virgin Mary in Sendangsono. Generally, the pilgrims will come to pray and contemplate in this Cave. But there is another unique thing that is usually done, namely washing with the holy spring there. This spring is commonly known as Tirtawening Banyu Panguripan, which is believed to bring blessings to anyone who cleanses themselves by using the water.









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Kevin Wijaya