Flood and Human

source: dw.com

Flood is familiar to Indonesians’ ears. It is because flooding is one of the most common natural phenomena in Indonesia. According to the Indonesia National Disaster Management Agency’s (BNPB) data, 2.925 natural disasters occurred in Indonesia. It started from January 1st, 2020, to December 29th, 2020. From these data, the most common natural disaster is flooding (as many as 1.065 occurrences). This thing becomes a question for us, what is the cause of the flood?

A flood is an overflow of water that submerges, usually dry land. This water commonly comes from high rainfall so that rivers, drains, or dams are no longer able to accommodate water flow and cause overflow. This condition is known as the overbank flood. But believe it or not, humans are also one of the reasons why floods often occur.


source: plantcellbiology.masters.grkraj.org

Several factors cause flooding. One of those factors is caused by the reduction of water-absorbing areas. The water cannot be absorbed by the ground. Then, it forms a large puddle on the mainland. This happens because humans are unable to protect nature. They do things such as logging illegally without replanting the trees (reforestation). We can see that the function of plantations is very vital. Apart from being a source of oxygen production and carbon dioxide absorption, the tree could also absorb the water. Therefore, as humans, we must protect and preserve our forests. 


source: news.detik.com

Another cause of flooding is the accumulation of garbage that blocks water flow in rivers or other waterways. The habit of littering leads to disasters, one of which is flooding. Nature will return what does not belong to us, which is the trash that we threw away. Therefore, we need to put the garbage in its place to minimize the chance of flooding ever happening again.


source: itaprihandani.wordpress.com

One of the reasons for the residents to dump their garbage into the river is because they live in the settlements that are built at the riverbanks. This certainly can trigger residents who live in these settlements to dispose of their garbage in the river area. The landslides that are caused by the buildings are making the river narrower.


source: qureta.com

The several factors above, remind us to protect and preserve the environment through simple things such as planting trees, disposing of garbage in its place, and much more. Of course, it can be started from ourselves by reasons that through us, we can influence the people around us.








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Aditya Mireykel Saroinsong