New Year’s Celebrations in Various Parts of the World


      New Year’s celebration are something that people look forward to. Usually, during the New Year’s celebration, many people celebrate it in their own way, especially in a country. Uniquely, several countries have their own ways and traditions of celebrating the New Year. All of these traditions are carried out in the hope that this new year will bring good things such as happiness, luck, and prosperity. Here are some interesting New Year’s celebrations from various countries.


  1. Japan


      Japanese people have a unique tradition of celebrating the New Year, i.e. ringing a bell 108 times. The number 108 is believed to be a symbol of the desire and suffering that humans experience. This is a traditional way of celebrating the New Year where people will go to a temple to pray, and after the New Year, they will alternately ring the bells and pray for their wishes for the upcoming days. This tradition is also as same as Buddhist beliefs that are believed to bring luck. The modern ways of celebrating the New Year for Japanese people are countdown parties, fireworks, concerts, and seasonal gatherings.


  1. Australia


      Australia also has its own way of celebrating the New Year. Unlike Japan, Australia celebrates the New Year with a very spectacular celebration. No wonder why this country is one of the most sought destinations for tourists during the New Year. One of the most famous celebrations in Australia at New Year is a countdown party accompanied by the largest fireworks display in the world. Besides, there are also fountain attractions that can be enjoyed at the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge, Sydney.


  1. United States of America


      In the USA, countdown parties are an important thing to do in the New Year. People will gather in Times Square, New York, to follow the countdown. It is followed by the drop or fall of the ball which is known as the “Time-Ball” as a sign of the changing years and an icon of celebrating the New Year in the USA. After that, the moment of the New Year’s celebration will be filled with various performances from famous artists.


  1. Denmark


      If the other countries celebrate the New Year with a countdown party or fireworks, it is different from Denmark, which has its own unique tradition of celebrating the New Year. At the turn of the year, Danish people will climb into the chair and when the time shows exactly 00.00, they will immediately jump from the chair as high as possible. This high jump is believed to be a symbol of hope, luck, and high spirits in the New Year. Apart from that, they also have a tradition of throwing plates and glasses at friends’ or neighbors’ houses. It is believed to be a sign of affection and also as a symbol of getting rid of bad luck.


  1. Spanyol


      Apart from Denmark, Spain also has a unique tradition of celebrating the New Year by eating 12 grapes. At exactly the turn of the year at 00.00, the Spaniards will put 12 grapes at once into their mouths. According to them, if someone can eat all the grapes, then that person will be filled with luck for the next 12 months. Besides eating grapes, Spanish people also celebrate the New Year with a dance party.


  1. Indonesia


      The Indonesian people also have quite different ways of celebrating the New Year. On the New Year, there are people who celebrate by gathering together with family, fireworks parties, blowing trumpets, lighting lanterns, enjoying various festivals or music concerts. Even some people go to their family graves and light candles there as a form of respect, remembering the memories, and also pray for their loved ones who have died.

      Those are some ways and traditions from various countries while celebrating the New Year. It’s not important how to celebrate it, but who we celebrate with. Happy New Year, I hope this year brings goodness and happiness to all of us and I hope every wish can be realized in this year.


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Aditya Saroinsong