Simple Healthy Diet Tips in COVID – 19 Pandemic Situation

Photo by (dolgachov) Fimela

Taken from

Since the COVID-19 pandemic spread throughout the world, the WHO (World Health Organization) has held the #SehatDiRumah campaign to maintain health, not only mentally but also physically. This was also impact for Indonesia, where everyone must be at home and not go out if it is not important.

The number of activities carried out at home makes some people rarely do sports and makes their bodies unhealthy. As a result, many people experience fattening because of lack of activity and doing movement because they sit more often to do work that makes a lot of fat produced from food can’t be burned and eventually accumulated in the body and make us fatter.

There are several tips for starting a diet that can be done at home during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. The first thing that we can do is to eat healthy and nutritious foods, such as consuming fruits and vegetables will make the body more fiber and nutrients and also start to reduce eat foods that contain factory processed foods.
  2. The second is stay hydrated, consume lots of water, stop counting calories and maintain the quality of the diet by providing the body with adequate nutrition to meet needs and support daily activities, reduce snacking.
  3. The next one is to maintain food hygiene, by washing hands before eating and heating food purchased outside for at least 2 minutes to avoid bacteria.
  4. The last tips is to stay active at home by cooking and exercising regularly and maintaining adequate quality rest by having a regular sleep schedule.

It can be concluded that doing a diet at home is possible for everyone, what needs to be done is to follow the tips described above such as eating a balanced diet with adequate sleep and starting to reduce ourselves from snacking, surely we can have an ideal body from the tips above, if we do it right.



Steven EW