Positive Impact of Playing Games

Source: nytimes.com

In this era, everyone knows about video games, especially millennials. Video games are usually played in order to relieve fatigue, stress and also fill spare time from the existing routines. Playing video games is very fun, but many people think that playing video games has a negative impact on its users. Everything must have a positive and negative impact, just like playing video games. If we think critically, playing video games, of course, has many benefits as well as positive impacts on us. And this time I will share some of the positive effects of playing games:


  1. Good For Brain and Vision Performance

Source: sarasotamagazine.com


Studies show that “distributed brain networks that support cognitive flexibility can be adapted to exciting video game experiences that emphasize the maintenance and rapid manipulation of various sources of information”. Researchers found that playing RTS and MOBA games every day improved cognitive abilities and flexibility that was easily measured in real-life tasks. Not only that, Besides, the researchers also found that people who often play action and FPS games can improve their vision ability which makes their vision more sensitive to small movements. Researchers found that gamers who played action games such as shooting games experienced a significant increase in the resolution of their spatial abilities such as to recognize small objects and letters. Action games can also improve your ability to detect contrast visually.


  1. As One Source of Knowledge

Source: kmslh.com

In addition to being beneficial for health, playing video games can also be useful as a source of knowledge. Why is that? Because the language used in most video games is English, which indirectly can improve the English language skills of players. Players will be motivated to find out the meaning of the language in the game such as conversations in the game so that it can help players to find lots of vocabulary in English. Besides, playing video games can also increase knowledge about history because there are several games that use bases and also stories from history that has happened in the past such as the game Dynasty Warriors which has set the background in Chinese history in the era of the Han dynasty, Samurai Warriors who have Japanese historical background during the Japanese feudal war,  the Assassin’s Creed game which takes many European historical backgrounds, and many more.


  1. As One Source of Income

Source: blog.saginfotech.com

In today’s era, just playing video games can make money. Not a few people make playing video games as their main or side job to get money. In online games, players can make various transactions with other players by selling accounts, characters, and various items that needed by other players. Besides, professional players can become esports athletes and win various gaming competitions with cash awards and prizes. And also players can become a Blogger or Vlogger and review some games on their social media accounts such as the YouTube channel. If the content we create is very interesting, it will be able to attract public attention to watch our videos on our YouTube channel so that our viewers and subscribers increases, and our YouTube channel can make money for us.

Thus the positive impact of games. The fact that nothing is absolutely good because every “good” definitely have the “bad” side. Just how we can manage it. Games will turn into something negative if played excessively and make our productivity decreases. Playing games excessively can also interfere with our health. So, use online games wisely and use them as needed.



Aditya Saroinsong