5 Keys of a Healthy Fasting

Source: https://sains.kompas.com/read/2018/05/20/040700323/jangan-salah-puasa-terbukti-ringankan-gejala-penyakit-asam-lambung

                Ramadhan is known as the holiest time of the year by Muslim people. They have a tradition called “Fasting” which they don’t eat until the time of breaking the fast. To keep the body fit, there are 5 keys that must be maintained.

  1. Consumption of balanced nutrients

Fasting means changing a dietary habit, and it doesn’t mean refusing every nutrient that enters our body. When fasting, the portion of the food must be sufficient and contains a complete nutritional content. The human body requires vitamins and minerals for daily activity which are fulfilled through the consumption of fruits and vegetables, protein, and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates require more time to digest which makes our stomach full last longer.

  1. The right meal portion

In order to get the right amount of meal portion, we need to use the help of our hand. The portion size of each meal is different, starting from the carbohydrates which we will need about one-handed fist, fruits also about one-handed fist and fat with the size of a thumb.

  1. Sufficient fluid

It is really important for the body to get sufficient fluid. Drinking water can help with the loss of fluid. Keep in mind, fluid can also be obtained not only from the water. Fruits which is rich in the fluid such as watermelon or orange can be taken as an alternative. Fluid can also be obtained from soup or boiled food.

  1. Enough sleep

Research approves that lack of sleeping can affect cognitive abilities and work performances. Decreasing cognitive abilities can happen to a child. Meanwhile, adult decrease in work performance and causing health problems because of lack of sleep.

  1. Light exercise

When fasting energy is very important to maintain, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be sleeping all day. For a healthy lifestyle while fasting, we recommend doing a light exercise such as yoga, jogging, or pilates. Heavyweight exercise wouldn’t be a problem but take notes to do it after breaking the fast not more than one hour. Exercise can help blood circulation and also help nutrients be absorbed to our body faster.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/gaya-hidup/20180604082156-255-303162/lima-kunci-penting-puasa-sehat

Michael Wijaya