Social Act – RPTRA Amanah Bunda

RPTRA Amanah Bunda is located in Tanjung Duren Street, Manggis Alley XVIII, RT.11/RW.04, West Jakarta. There’s one main problem in RPTRA Amanah Bunda, the soil always erode onto the road which makes the road dirty. Thus, we decided to help them installing the fibers to the fence so that the soil won’t erode onto the road again. We’ve sent approximately 25 people to install fiber on the front and both side of the fences.

We arrived in RPTRA on 08.30 WIB and let the participant observe the fence that they will work on. After the RPTRA’s party give the opening speech, we began to install the fibers. Not only installing fibers but we also paint dampu (a traditional Indonesian game). Installing fiber requires many steps. We had to dig the soil around 2 cm in every side of RPTRA. Then we need to adjust the size of each fiber on each fence so it matches properly. The next step required is to punch holes into the fiber so that we can bind them to the fence with ties cable. In the last step, we need to return the soil so the fiber will embedded inside the soil. Even though painting dampu requires less effort than installing fiber, it takes more patience because we have to carefully paint the floor and we can’t be rash.

At last, we succesfully painted 2 dampu and installed fiber on the front and both sides according to our initial goal. We finished working on 13.00 WIB. We took a photo together and gave the RPTRA our exclusive merchandise. We have learnt many things from this event such as patience, resilience, and many more. And the main point that we learn is helping people does not require us to know them first, but we have to be sincere in helping people. That way, we will feel the excitement from helping them.

Dany Prasetya Angtoni