Sport Weekend is an event that was held by the Sport Division of BSSC. The main purpose of this event is to draw each member of BSSC closer to each other, especially the newcomer. Besides that, they also did light exercises in order to better their lifestyle. This event will only be held once each presidency.

The theme of this event is “Try, Then Achieve Your Goal” which means that we should try first before giving up to get to our goals. This is because people always think about the bad thing first before actually trying to get what they want, so basically they just want a shortcut which eventually will make them stray from their real goal.

Sport Weekend was held at Sunday, October 29th, 2017 from 7 AM to about 11 AM. There were 79 members of BSSC 8th Presidency who attended this event. There are 5 games on this event which are Perang Naga, Head Pong, Perkenalan Rahasia, Voli Sarung, and Manusia Jaman Batu. The team who get the most points got a bunch of snacks as their prize. Participants of this event enjoyed their time and showed high enthusiasm on every games. Sport Weekend proves to be a great event to be held at the start of every presidency, to tighten the bond between BSSC members, and we hope that next year’s Sport Weekend will be better than this one.


