Save Electricity, Save the World

Sumber Gambar :

Nowadays, the atmosphere keep getting hotter and hotter. Even not in hot season, we still feel the sun burning us. But, why this is happening? As you know, this is called by “Global Warming”, which means the temperature keep increasing day by day. Then, how to prevent the atmosphere from getting hotter and hotter? There are many methods to prevent Global Warming happen, one of those method is to reduce the usage of electricity. But, what is the connection between electricity and Global Warming?

Almost every day, people are using electricity. Like cooking, washing, playing games, and many things, but have you ever thought how the electricity’s are produced? Yes, there are many methods to produce electricity, however the easiest and most profitable method is by using the fossil, and one of those fossils called coal. Still, what the connection between Global Warming and the thing called coal? In the process where the fossils are changed to power source, it is not only produced the electricity, but also produced waste called CO2. These CO2 substances are damaging our world’s Ozone layer. As the result, the weather will be unstable, water level also will increase and the animals will extinct because of bad ecosystem. Not only that, if the Global Warming keep getting worse, the farmer’s crop will be withered and must wait until next season to growth, also crisis of clean water and the forest will get burnt.

Of course, they need to produce so many electricity because of the usage electricity are too high. Like leaving the electronic devices turned on while not being used, or let the laptop, handphone charger forever in stop contact. By knowing that, world has decided to make an event that occurred once a year which is to ask people to turn off all of their electricity product for 2 hours. The event called “Earth Hour”. Still, we can also prevent these thing from happening by ourselves without waiting Earth Hour. By doing these method, that is:

  • Turn off the electricity while not used
  • Change the product that used many watt
  • Clean your lamp because dust can interfere your lamp
  • Keep your window open instead using air conditioner but if necessary keep the temperature around 21 until 24 Celsius degree.
  • Use timer for electricity product like microwave or charger.

As we know the Global Warming in the world keep getting worse. But if we don’t start act now, our generation will receive the effect of our cause. By reducing the usage of electricity, you also will reduce your electricity’s bills, so it’s like kill two birds with one stone which means to solve two problem with one action. It’s start from you, so why don’t we start act now?


Sumber Penulisan/Daftar Pustaka :

Ambrosius David Haryono