Night Shower, Good? Or Bad?

Taking a shower is an activity that most of us doevery day. We usually start our daily activities by taking a shower in the morning then continue with our activities. Then, we go back to our home or place in the afternoon even in the evening. After that, we usually take a shower again to refresh our body. But, do we ever think that is it good for our health? Or it is bad?

Most of us wonder whether taking a night shower is good or bad.Taking a night shower often considered as a dangerous thing to do. It can cause a various effect on our body. But, the truth is, there are some benefits and dangers about it.

The benefits are:

  1. Give us freshness

After working all day, we usually feel tired and limp. By taking a night shower, our body and mind will be freshened.

  1. Reduce the high blood pressure

For those who have a high blood pressure, doing a night shower will reduce the pressure. But, do not do this every day.

  1. Relaxing our muscles

Working all the day will make our muscles stiff. We can make it relax again by doing a night shower. But, once again do not do this every day.

  1. Overcome the insomnia

Insomnia can be overcome by doing a night shower. Try to take a night shower with warm water. It will cause our body relax and helps us to get some sleep.

While the dangers are:

  1. Causing a disease called rheumatism

Rheumatism is disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Usually our joints will be stiffed in the morning if we have a night shower frequently.

  1. Causing a pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lung.Doing a night shower with cold water and cold air will cause this disease. Usually people who suffer from this disease will have a cough, hard to breathe, and many else.

  1. Disturb our metabolism

In night, our body’s temperature become high and our body also become tired because of our  activities. By doing a night shower, our body will be fresh again, but this will cause a disturbance for our metabolism. If our body can’t resist it, we will have a cold, flu, and etc.

  1. Causing a premature aging

If we have a night shower with cold water, this will disturb our metabolims and this thing will  has an effect on our skin. Our skin will wrinkled.

These are the benefits and dangers about doing a night shower. Although it has the benefits , I suggest that we take a shower only in the morning or in the afternoon. Don’t take a night shower because the side effects are very dangerous for our body. We can take care of our body by doing the simple thing first. Thank you!

Eldrian Evan