BSSC Wonder Batch 2: Boarders Get To Know Each Other

BSSC Wonder is an annual event held by BSSC (BINUS Square Student Committee) which is the event to welcoming new boarders who live in BINUS Square. This event was held on 3 September 2017, the enthusiasm of the boarders to enjoy the event were incredibly high. There are many games, sharing session of BSSC and FC (Floor Coordinator) and performance.

This event is held from morning till night. The purpose of this event is to get the boarders to know each other so they will gain many friends and feel comfortable to stay in BINUS Square.  At this event, there are many participating boarders, so the BSSC Wonder committee made 12 groups that consisting of 12 to 15 people which is there are 2 TL (Team Leader) in each group. Every groups have 2 Team Leader which is to lead the group and the leader of that group. We have 38 Team Leader which is participated the event as committee too. Every Team Leader has different characters such as leadership, friendly, shy, active person etc. Many enthusiastic boarders enjoy this event to get lots of friends, and some are less active in enjoying this event. But overall, it’s a good thing to get a chance to know each other before living together in BINUS Square. This also applies to the team leader which is the senior boarders that want to have fun experiences in the event.

During the daytime, each group is playing games that have been provided by the BSSC Wonder committee consisting of 5 post games, each group struggles to collect points to emerge as the champion. They were also many giveaways in the morning session. In the evening, each group performed an interesting performance so boarders enjoyed the event BSSC Wonder 2017. There were dramas, singing, dance, and some very amazing and funny performances. There were many talented individuals from singing to beatboxing in this event. Every winner of the games and performance will get the prize, and not just the winner, any active boarders will be given attractive vouchers. The last part of BSSC Wonder will be Hello University on 24th September 2017. Don’t miss it!



Derry Kolim