The Final Ober “Love Your Body, Do Some Sport!”

Olahraga Bersama (OBER) is an annual event held by BSSC Sport Division. The main purpose of this event isto facilitate boarders so they can get to know each other and do some exercise to get a healthy body. OBER is held four times, and this is the fourth and the last OBER, so you can say that OBER has finished its final game. There are two games that held on the final OBER, first is basketball, and thenbentengan. Basketball is one of the most famous sport in the world, while Bentengan is one of Indonesian traditional games.

The first game is bentengan. These days, bentengan is not popular anymore, probably hard to find because kids these days play gadgets and other technological stuffs. So that’s why BSSC choose this game, because if we don’t conserve it then who will? It’s our identity as Indonesian after all. The winning condition of this game is when one of the team can take the other team’s fortress or we can called it “benteng”, or all of member of the team is being prisoned.

The rules are simple, first rule is only one member of the team is allowed to defend the fortress, second rule is player can kill the opposite team member if he/she touch the fortress after the other player. For example A touch his fortress and then B on the opposite team touch his fortress after A, then B can kill A, but A can’t kill B. The second game is basketball. The rules are pretty similar with 3 on 3 basketball.

In the end of the event there were few participants who were given souvenirs because of their participation in all OBER. The participant who attended all OBER got a mug and a BSSC Card, while the participants who attended 3 got a BSSC Card. The souvenirs was given by the committee. There were14 participants in this event. They were showing great enthusiasm throughout the event. Both games will help them to train their teamwork, their strategy, concentration, speed, and agility.

David Adi Dharma