Avoid Tobacco, Start Living Healthy

Tobacco is known as main ingredient of cigarettes. Which means that tobacco contain lots of dangerous substances such as Nicotine. Knowing this, we should learn about the side effect of using the product that contains Tobacco such as cigarettes and how to prevent the addict of using cigarettes.
There arevarious side effects of consuming Nicotine to your body.An addict will more likely to suffer these side effects. Those side effects are:
Hair Loss– people who is addicted of consuming Nicotine got high risk of leading them to premature baldness.
Damage human’s digestive system – Toxic of cigarettes ruin your stomachs intern layer and make digestive enzyme function ate improperly. That’s why those who are addicted to Nicotine having problem while digesting a food.
Damage human’s sense of tastes– Addicted to Nicotine makes people slowly lost the sense of taste. That’s why they will never complain about spicy food because they have lost their sense of tastes.
Dehydration –Consuming Nicotine makes your body fluids unstable. Therefore, you will need more water than normal people. In long term, this will make your skin and mouth dry, also urinary disorders.
Drain energy–Smoking makes lungs failed to pump oxygen fully. It will be easier for your body to be exhausted and run out of juices,
Harming DNA – Until now the characteristic of the harming is still unknown. But for sure, smoking will threaten your generation in future.
Knowing of these side effect, most of them are not good for health. Thus,we need to stop these habits, but how? especially for those who are already addicted to it? There are many ways, and some of those are:
- Focus on the consequences.
- Mark the date when you want to stop.
- Request support from others.
- Run some medical treatments.
- Always prepare snack instead smoke for your free time.
- Visit No-Smoking Area to restrict yourself from smoking.
- Make yourself busy.
Even though there were bundles of risk and consequences, but still there are many smokers out there. Of course, if you have smoker acquaintances, you should support him or her to avoid smoking from now on. Because, they need your supports to move on from Tobacco. So, Happy World No Tobacco Days!!
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