BSSC Sport Weekend 2018

BSSC Sport Weekend 2018

BSSC Sport Weekend is an event held by Sport Division 9th Presidency with “One Spirit, One Team, One Dream” as the theme. It was held on 4th November 2018 at BINUS Square. The purpose of this event is to make the members of BSSC get closer with each other.  In this Sport Weekend, we have 5 post games with each of them have their own uniqueness. We have Magic Carpet in Oak Room, Train the Balloon in Basketball Field, Naga Beranak in South Parking Area, Truth or Lies in BS 301, and Gerobak Sodor in Exhibition Area.

The event was started with a prayer, warming ups and ice breaking where we all loosen up our body and dance together. All of the participants were happy because the music was fun and the dance was even funnier. Those who didn’t dance with effort were given punishment where they were told to stand in front of all BSSC’ers. Then they were told to introduce themselves and danced to the song by themselves. Next, they were divided into some groups which consisted of 7-8 people in each groups. They were given time to get to know each other and to create a tagline. Later on, they were given instruction to move to their destinated post games. Although we had some difficulty like sudden rain, we managed to continue the activities by using plan B where some post were moved to a different location. At each post games, participants were quite excited and active when playing the games.

After they played all of the games, the participants were instructed to gather at Exhibition Area where the MC announced the winner group. The winner was awarded with some presents from the committee. Then all the participants received a snack as a reward for coming. The event then closed with a prayer and photo sessions.

Milleria Prasetio