LinkedIn is a social media site used by people to hire new employers, find a job or post news, achievements, or the articles they have made. It was founded in 2002 and according to Omnicoreagency.com, there are more than 800 million users all over the world until the 1st half of 2021. LinkedIn is not just an ordinary social media app for sharing photos or stories, such as Facebook or Instagram, but it helps users to build their careers, expand their networking, and enhance users’ knowledge regarding career advancement. Here is an explanation about the importance of LinkedIn, especially to people who want to start their careers.
- Gain exposure to develop your career
Many businesses and companies like to recruit new employees from LinkedIn. So, creating a professional profile on LinkedIn can attract various companies to put an interest in you. Besides, not only getting attention from recruiters, LinkedIn allows you to show you experiences in detail. It acts as your CV, but with detailed information which can help you to get your future job. By using LinkedIn, new recruiters can get exposure or even better, get your name on Google! With those exposures, you can develop your career better and get more benefits.
- Help to build your personal branding
To gain sponsors or funds from people for your project, you need to have good personal branding. Sponsors will fund a project when it is convincing and important for them. Using LinkedIn to promote your personal brand will not waste your money since you are not paying for a website. By promoting it on LinkedIn, sponsors will contact your brand and who knows, maybe you will get six figures in your first year.
- Meet people with similar interests from many fields of work
Not only Facebook who has a “group” feature in their application, but also LinkedIn. LinkedIn allows you to meet people from all around the world with similar interests. Joining a LinkedIn group might give you a better insight and perspective from people’s recommendations. Groups can give you the most updated information on your career field, and you can get information earlier than other people. Not only that, you can enhance your knowledge so you might be promoted in your company.
- Prove your skills and talents
On LinkedIn, you can show your skills and talents to the public. When your coworkers know that your skills and talents exist, they can promote you on LinkedIn by giving an endorsement, such as promoting your skills and giving a recommendation to LinkedIn. Getting a promotion from someone on LinkedIn may boost your credibility and get more followers. So, when the recruiters see your profile, they will notice that your skills are proven and maybe you will end up working for them.
- Increase your connection and get more networking
In other social media applications, for example Instagram, connecting or following people may only give you more friends. But on LinkedIn, when you connect with someone, it will give you more friend’s recommendations, which is an important thing for an employee working in a company. Building a mutual connection with your co-worker, your friend in another company, or even your classmate in elementary school will give you more recommendations, more promotions, and new job openings with a bigger salary and bigger positions.
In conclusion, creating a LinkedIn profile is one of the best ways that you may prepare as early as possible to get a job in a company. It is not only beneficial to people who have started working, but also to university students. Using LinkedIn to start building your profile may give you one step ahead of other recruits. So, why don’t you go fill up your LinkedIn for a few minutes and write your experience and skills?
Kohler, C. (2021, December 18). Here are the 7 reasons why LinkedIn is important. TopResume. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from https://www.topresume.com/career-advice/why-linkedin-is-important
Rycraft, S. (2021, February 8). 7 benefits of using LinkedIn. LinkedIn.Com. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-benefits-using-linkedin-sarah-rycraft/
LinkedIn basics: What is LinkedIn? (n.d.). GCFGlobal.Org. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/linkedin/what-is-linkedin/1/
3 reasons why you should recruit on LinkedIn (and some tips on how to do it!). (2018, February 13). Haiilo. Retrieved April 9, 2022, from https://blog.smarp.com/3-reasons-why-you-should-recruit-on-linkedin-and-some-tips-on-how-to-doit#:%7E:text=Social%20Recruiting,their%20networks%20in%20other%20industries.
Aslam, S. (2022, January 4). 81 LinkedIn statistics you need to know in 2022. Omnicore. Retrieved April 9, 2022, from https://www.omnicoreagency.com/linkedin-statistics/