It is very familiar for students to have a lot of assignments and finish it in a certain deadline. Many of them even burdened to catch it all, causing lack of sleep and oftentimes we can see their face surrounded by dark and puffy eyes. In accordance with the busy life as a student, not so many of them have a good time management to balance their work-life sustainability. Although as a human, it is important to keep our health, there are lots of student that are nowadays ignoring and putting aside this important aspect. They tend to choose to be suffer in order to finish their working assignments aside from having a healthy lifestyle. Well, no one would not agree to say that the harder you work, the more successful you would be in their future career. But the point is, we need to work smart, not too hard and overburden ourselves. Productivity is not only about studying and finishing our assignments but to create something that is impactful for yourself first and to others if possible. Not only that, keeping ourselves healthy is also a form of productivity and remember! Your health is also an investment for your future ahead. Furthermore, in this article you will find the ways to start building your lifestyle to be sustainable and healthy than ever. Make sure you read it thoroughly and applying it as soon as possible to your daily habit. Happy reading!

  1. Have a good eating habit

As a young person, it is important to create a strong metabolism and maintain your digestion. Having a good eating habit is where you can start. You can arrange your own eating time for example breakfast at 9am, lunch at 2pm, and dinner at 6pm. Every person has different eating time arrangement but be sure that you eat three times a day and not to overly binge yourself or have too little amount of food. Also, don’t let yourself in hunger for too long. So have a right schedule of feast as simple as that!

  1. Have a regular short exercise

Exercise can prevent your body from become stiff. You are still young, so you need to be active! By having little amount of exercise every day, it can keep your bones strong and even to keep yourself motivated throughout the day. Different from eating habit, there are no strict time to set your regular exercise. Whenever you have spare time, you can spend it with a little stretch for your body. But I recommend to do it in the morning, and inhale some fresh air! You can have short exercise for only 10 to 15 minutes to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

  1. Have a right amount of rest by setting your working target

Remember to have yourself some rest, and to have the right amount of rest of course you need to be able to manage your time well. Doing assignments sometime can make us overthink, but if we can manage our working target, it will sure be easier for us to finish our assignment little by little. So to prevent ourselves to be overwhelmed by our working assignments, we can start to work on those tasks long ago from the deadlines and just do it for example for one hour each day. By that, we can set the target of when we will finish the assignment and thus, prevent us from becoming stressful. Moreover, when we are far from being stressed out, we can always be happy and enjoy every little second of our life. The key is to work hard and in a “slow but sure” method.

Of course, it is not easy to start a new habit, but the point is, let’s not waste our time and health. Don’t overthink, just start doing it! It is now or never. Good luck folks!