National Children’s Day is one of the many holidays that are present in Indonesia. Unlike International Children’s Day which is celebrated on the 1st of June, National Children’s Day is held on the 23rd of July. So, what is the history behind this specific day? It all dated back during the time of President Soeharto’s days at the office. During that period, the Indonesian Women’s Congress (Kongres Wanita Indonesia) initiated that there should be a National Children’s Day. After successfully initiating, Children’s Week (Pekan Kanak-Kanak) was officially established in 1952 and was celebrated during the second week of July.


Sources : UNICEF Connect

     Fast forward a couple of years, Children’s Week got re-dated to 1st-3rd of June to coincide with the International Children’s Day. Due to the removal and replacement of several policies from the “Orde Lama” including Children’s Day,  Children’s Day later got replaced by President Soeharto in 1984 in accordance with the “Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 44 Tahun 1084”. As result, National Children’s Day is officially re-established on July 23rd.