Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone, Is it Necessary?

A place or a situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress is usually known as a comfort zone. Do you ever feel stuck in your own comfort zone or question about what’s the real meaning behind comfort zone? Above all, the most common question on our mind is, “is it good or bad to stay in our comfort zone?” Every decision, position, or condition in our life, however, also has its own pros and cons, so does the “comfort zone” itself.

Now, let’s talk about comfort zone in terms of “self-improvement.” Some people said that life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Such motivation can lead you to leave your current comfort zone. But, do you know your own version of comfort zone? Start from the smallest example. Never let yourself talk in front of people, because it’s out of your regular habits and routines, which usually means you’re a “backstage” person. This simple example is quite enough to give you much explanation about comfort zone. Being a “backstage” person means that they are safe from feeling nervous or afraid. Actually, this kind of mindset won’t let you grow because you made it up yourself. Remember, when you start as a “backstage” person, you try to take that position, because you might think it’s not risky and doesn’t affect your comfort zone.

After the example explained above, what can we take as a conclusion? People avoid doing things with lots of risk. For those who think that comfort zone is already enough, you’re one hundred percent accurate. Every choice has its own level of risk. That’s why people don’t take risks. And in your comfort zone, everything seems like there’s very little or no risk at all. Eventually, everything’s in your own head and there is nothing wrong with comfort zone as long as you can “maintain” it. Maintaining it means that you know when to step out and when to stay.

At some point, you have to get out of your comfort zone as you grow. But how? Aiming to strive to achieve your goals is a part of taking a step forward. Other than that, you may need to challenge yourself with some opportunities ahead of you. If you take the challenges with a commitment, it means “one more check” for your un-comfort zone thing lists. Remember, to get something you want, you need to put some sacrifice and get out of your comfort zone. Don’t dodge every little opportunity in front of you, because it will only decrease your standard and make yourself become easily complacent. Sometimes, you need to strive for excellence and not easily satisfied. Why? It will be the gate of your curiosity to always take a step forward and get out of your comfort zone.

We’ve reached the most important thing, which is the tips and trick on how to get out of your comfort zone. First, remember to get comfortable with discomfort. Understand that discomfort isn’t a sign that there’s something wrong. It’s a sign that you’re trying something new and different. It will be a motivation for you and a platform to adapt with something good that is yet to come. Next, build your self-efficacy (individual’s belief in their innate ability to achieve goals.) One of the reasons that people stay in their comfort zones is because they feel that they don’t have the ability to be successful in situations outside of their comfort zone. They lack the necessary self-efficacy. It is very important to be developed in some kind of way, such as looking for somebody who are similar to you, who have moved and surrounded himself or herself with the right friend circle, who will encourage you and always be there for you during your ups and downs. Lastly, stop hesitating and manage yourself to do what you’re going to do.

Above all, there is nothing wrong with spending some time in your comfort zone. However, the key is that you shouldn’t get too comfortable with it. Remember that we are ordinary humans who need time to relax and refresh ourselves. That’s why it isn’t bad to get yourself into your own comfort zone to make sure it’s still balanced between suffering for your future and treating yourself right.


Alexandra Joya