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Have you ever imagined going through a recruitment process, but the test is in the form of playing games? Well, it exists! There is one recruitment method called Gamification, which is used to search for top candidates by competing with each other to see which one of them would be at the top of the leaderboard. This method uses game theory and mechanics designed to give applicants an image of their future job performance. The four principles used in gamification are points, rewards, badges of achievement, and leaderboards. Here are the advantages of the Gamification method in recruitment:

  1. Reduce time and be more engaging – The gamification method can eliminate the time needed for the hiring process as one test model can be used several times and gives an instant result. The procedure is built to be more fun and interactive so that applicants will be more engaged. It helps built the applicant’s interest and the company’s image or brand as a company that innovates and is different from others. 
  2. More accurate to assess applicant’s skills – It can give the company some indication of how quickly candidates absorb, act, and approach risks. Even though gamification provides fun in a “trivia-style” way, the applicants will be given real-life problems they must solve. The HR can give specific issues to see an applicant’s certain skills so that it will match the company’s needs. Results will be more accurate than traditional interviews because it’s real-time and applicants cannot lie or prepare the answer beforehand.
  3. Diverse applicants – Since gamification methods are not commonly used, the chance that people will apply will be higher. So, the candidate is supposed to be much more than the traditional interview. More candidates mean more options for HR, meaning that the applicants will be more diverse.
  4. Put applicants at ease – Traditional interviews can cause anxiety to applicants, and this kind of struggle can lower the quality of their answers. But with gamification, applicants can avoid this struggle and will likely be able to give their best performance and show their abilities to the fullest.

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Another business that experimented with games, at least in part as a recruiting tool, was the German industrial conglomerate, Siemens. Players in the online interactive game “Plantville” from Siemens get the chance to manage a fictitious plant. Players may learn about and use Siemens industrial and infrastructure technologies and solutions to enhance the health of their facilities in the game. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as safety, on-time delivery, quality, energy management, and employee satisfaction will be used to evaluate gamers. The company’s leaders eventually included the game in their talent acquisition plan, despite the fact it was first used as a marketing tool to draw in new workers.

Gamification in recruiting is the best approach to draw in a wide range of prospects, quickly identify the best ones, and onboard them in a fun way while still letting candidates select the employer of their choice. So, we can conclude that gamification in HR is a strategy that benefits both businesses and applicants. Will you be interested in experiencing this gamification method?


Felicia Josevine