3 Ways to Make You More Relaxed
Everyone is busy with their activities. Sometimes, we have many activities to do in one day. Constantly working could make us bored and give us headaches, stress, tiredness, and pressure that make our bodies even more in a bad state. Plus, the rampant running virus causes the need to keep our bodies healthy to continue doing activities inside and outside without being infected. After our daily activities, our body must rest and relax to prevent disease due to excessive activity. Even a short break and sleep isn’t enough to bring back the energy we use on weekdays. So, we recommend three ways you could do on the weekend to make you more relaxed!
- Swimming
Swimming is an activity that moves all parts of the body in water. Swimming is also included in a body workout that can help strengthen muscles. The main benefit that you get from swimming is the endorphin hormone out of your body, and this hormone has the job of giving a sense of relaxation. Swimming movements such as breathing in and kicking are meditative movements that can provide a calming effect afterward. It’s also good for your backbone and back muscles after sitting for a long time because swimming is usually used for spinal therapy. Based on the American College of Sports Medicine (ACMS), we can do the exercises three times a week for 30 minutes each. But remember, before swimming, you must first warm up to prevent cramps and tense muscles.
2. Meditation
Meditation is a kind of practice for focusing and clearing the mind. The object is breathing, so you can feel more relaxed, comfortable, and productive afterward. Everyone can practice meditation. Meditation is also a practice of knowing your own emotions. This activity could make you more concentrated, focused, and mindful because gamma waves in your brain are active. You can use many methods, but all have the same purpose: to achieve peace and serenity. It is also easy to do because you can sit, close your eyes, and focus on breathing for 10-20 minutes. You can try many applications to help you meditate, such as Medito, Simple Habit: Meditation, and Calm.
3. Stretching
It’s not enough to maintain our body fit to build muscles; we have to be flexible too. Having good flexibility means maintaining range of motion in joints and strengthening our muscles. Stretching is an exercise that could make the muscles return to their original state and relieve stress. Stress could cause your muscles to tense up on the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Some recommended channels on YouTube could help you do stretchings, such as SKWAD Fitness, Aalaya Pilates, and Eh Olahraga Yuk.
These are three ways you can do on the weekend to keep your body active and relaxed. Don’t force yourself if you’re tired. Take time to rest, go to bed early, eat foods that contain fiber and protein, drink a lot, and do your hobby and if you have free time, do one of these activities. Maintaining balance in your activities can also make you more relaxed and ready to do your everyday activities.
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