Webinar is one of the events held by BNEC to become a means of self-development for students. This event is held several times a year and is attended by people of all ages and universities. On December 13, 2021, in conjunction with the annual BNEC fundraising event, another webinar was held as part of the event. The theme of this webinar is Career Preparation: Level Up Your LinkedIn! The choice of this theme is because BNEC recognizes the importance of everyone to master the right use of LinkedIn in today’s digital era, especially in order to prepare their careers carefully and with the best strategy so that the desired career can be achieved.

Webinar was held through Zoom Meetings and attended by 40 BINUSIAN people from various majors. BNEC hopes that this event can provide education or knowledge about the importance of mastering the right use of LinkedIn in order to achieve the desired career, provide tips and tricks for beginners to use LinkedIn, provide networking opportunities to all participants, improve branding from BNEC and BINUS University, and raise funds. for BNEC operations. So, it can greatly facilitate their career in the future. At the end, we want to say goodluck for your career and never give up to achieve your dreams, Extraordinaries!