Nothing lasts forever, and the 9th Presidency of Bina Nusantara English Club (BNEC) Alam Sutera is no exception to that statement. As in all BNEC Alam Sutera presidencies before, there comes a time where a new president, someone who will lead BNEC as well as continue BNEC’s legacy in the next presidency, must be elected. For that election to happen, BNEC has its activity which is called Deliberation Day.

          Deliberation Day is an event within BNEC to reach a consensus of the majority of Board of Management members on choosing who will be the next president of BNEC, which in this case, is the next president for BNEC Alam Sutera. The deliberation was held on the 24th of October 2021 from 09.00 AM until the end via Zoom Meeting. On the Deliberation Day, the discussion between the Board of Management members went through various phases. Some of the stages during the event were the presentation by the presidential candidates and the presidential debate. The presentation session discussed the work plan that the respective candidates offer for the next presidency. Meanwhile, the presidential debate was where each candidate showed the Board of Management members their strengths and capabilities. After quite a lengthy discussion, members of the Board of Management were able to reach a consensus on who to choose as the next president for the 10th Presidency of BNEC Alam Sutera.

          All in all, this marks the conclusion of Deliberation Day, where everyone reached an agreement for the next president of BNEC Alam Sutera that is to be elected.