From the moment you wake up until you fall asleep, you will see colors, because colors are everywhere. Everything has a color to represent, and it has already become a part of our everyday life. Color is the visual recognition of a wavelength of vitality within the electromagnetic range. So, the colour that we see on everything is a wavelength, intriguing right? Now let’s dig deeper into colors.

  1. Yellow and Red Indicates Hunger

Pay attention to KFC, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, and Wendy’s logos. What similarities do you find other than they are fast-food restaurants?

Well, you probably didn’t notice, but all of them use yellow and red or similar color schemes on their logos. Why? Researchers say that yellow and red are the most appetizing colors. On that note, by only looking at those logos, we may feel hunger or at the very least think about food.

  1. Pink Is a Soothing Color

Did you know that Switzerland painted thirty jail cells of their prison pink? You might be wondering why. Well, it’s because based on research, the color ‘pink’ can have a soothing effect. It has a way of calming down anger and anxiety in people.

  1. Baby Sees the Color ‘Red’ First

Studies prove that two-week-old infants are already capable of seeing red. That happens because red has the longest wavelength among the other colors, making it the easiest color to be processed by the baby’s eyes with developing receptors and nerves.

  1. Color White Reduces Accident

White is the most visible color under all conditions except snow. If a vehicle uses white as its color, it will reduce the chance of being involved in an accident resulting in death.

  1. Blue Is Mosquito’s Favorite Color

Ever felt the never-ending mosquito bites? You probably think that it’s your blood that attracts mosquitoes. Well, maybe the never-ending bites happen because you’re wearing blue. Yep, mosquitoes love blue. According to Jonathan Day of the University of Florida, “Mosquitoes are highly visual, especially later in the afternoon, and their first mode of search for humans is through vision.” It means that those who wear dark colors, especially blue, will be getting more mosquito bites compared to those who wear light-colored clothing.

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