As a college student, generally the main focus was on getting good grades in every subject. However, good grades is not the only thing that matters to college student, organization experience is also as important as the grade itself, because through organization, we can gain many things, such as soft skills (teamwork, discipline, leadership, etc.) also through organization, we can expand or widen our networking.

Unfortunately, many people who are part of an organization are still struggling to maintain their GPA with the organization itself. Well, if you are one of those who experience the same problem, do not worry because we have some tips and tricks to maintain your grades while being active in an organization.

  1. Make a To-Do List

You can make a to-do list by listing all the tasks/jobs like notes from lecture or organization’s task. Besides, to-do-list makes everything a lot easier, especially when students are fed up with tons of activities or unexpected occurrences. Particularly, it gives personal benefits into forming a more organized habit. Not just by focusing on the outline but it also hinders such conflict between other tasks.

  1. Make a Priority Scale

After making a to-do list, the next step is making a priority scale based on your to-do list. In terms of making priority, one of the ways you can choose is to use a priority matrix to do it and you can make it based on your task’s urgency/importance and deadline. By making a priority scale or priority matrix, it can help you create a more scheduled activity.

  1. Use Your Spare Time Wisely

There are some activities you can do, such as revising your college material or learning new material before the class starts. By doing this, you can enhance a better view of the material as well expanding your knowledge whether you have or have not joined the class for some reasons.

  1. Do Not Procrastinate

One of the most common “diseases” for every student is laziness and it can lead to other problems, which in this case is procrastination. If you are a person who tends to procrastinate, you have to leave that bad habit because it can be very disadvantageous if you have multiple tasks in the same period since there might be a possibility to leave the task unfinished.

  1. Know Your Own Limit

The person who knows best about their own ability is themselves. So, do not force yourself to take a responsibility that is beyond your own ability. Otherwise, the responsibility is going to be a burden for yourself or maybe other people. For example, if you are struggling to balance your study with your current responsibility at an organization. Don’t ever try to volunteer yourself or multitasking without knowing the consequences, especially when you’ve had plenty things to finish. Always remember to prioritize the current task/job desk first. It will certainly help you to become fundamentally focus and perceptive towards your own job.

As we have reached the end of this article, I want to remind you to maximize your college life, whether it is your GPA or your organization’s experience because these things are very valuable for your future. I hope through this article you can manage or balance your GPA alongside of your organization’s tasks.


  • Andini, T. N. (2019, February 8). Kamu Aktif di Organisasi? Perhatikan 5 Hal Ini Agar IPK Tetap Baik. Retrieved from IDN TIMES:
Bryan Henry