“Ibu kita Kartini,

Pendekar bangsa

Pendekar kaumnya

Untuk merdeka”

That is how the people of Indonesia will have a little remembrance of R.A. Kartini’s contribution to the nation with a song that became one of the most popular Indonesian national songs.

Right on April 21, a remarkable woman, a mom, and also a teacher named M.A. Ngasirah gave birth to Raden Adjeng Kartini, who bounced off the wall to claim the full rights of women. Raden Adjeng Kartini, or who is often called Kartini, is a smart, independent, brave, and assertive person. Women all across Indonesia would not be as free as today to express their point of view or to do such a thing as working in a company if it were not because of her hard work. She has inspired lots of women not only in Indonesia but also women all over the world until today. Then how is the figure and struggle of Kartini? Let’s take a look at this article to know more furtherly about that! 

Rebellious for the Sake of Goodness

The chain of colonialism and social discrimination raised her spirits, especially in her struggle for gender equality. During the colonial period, women could only spend time at home waiting for a man to marry her. She is a figure who strongly opposed the existence of these customs. She even refused to obey the Javanese feudal ritual where the women will always have to kiss her husband’s feet. According to Kartini, the value and dignity of men and women should not be distinguished. This all eventually became a breakthrough for Kartini to fight for the women’s emancipation.

Was Once a Victim of Bullying

During the war, it was a common thing for invaders from the western countries to discriminate against lands they had colonized. Kartini was also once a victim of this. During her time as a student in a mixed school, teachers from the Netherlands were not willing to give Kartini high marks -even often scoffed at Kartini’s works. The reason was that she is a Javanese descent.

Took Extra Effort to Build a School in The Middle of Colonialism

Despite the various challenges, with determination and incredible ideas, she was able to contribute to the development of Indonesia by establishing schools. Previously, she had also studied in a teacher training school in the Netherlands in order to become a great educator. She also acquired a scholarship to study abroad. However, due to the strict traditional customs back then, her parents obliged her to get married. So then Kartini married a Regent in Rembang named Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat. But Kartini was not discouraged, she kept trying to reach her goals and finally achieved it by establishing a women’s school in Rembang.

R.A. Kartini and her husband, Raden Adipati JoyodiningratPict Ref: https://samzurry.wordpress.com/2017/04/21/kumpulan-photo-photo-raden-adjeng-kartini/

Created a Motivational & Legendary Book

Pict Ref: http://koleksitempodoeloe.blogspot.com/2013/03/buku-karangan-ra-kartini-habis-gelap.html 

Kartini loves to write. She often articulates her feelings by writing through short writings in the form of letters that she sent to her friends. As the result of her hobby, she finally published a book titled “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang” or entitled “Door Duistermis tot Licht” in Dutch. The contents of this book are a collection of letters that R.A. Kartini had written and eventually made into a book. This collection of letters represents the times of difficulty each human went through; due to the fact that there will always be happiness in the end.

Sometimes, you must experience difficulties on your own at first, before perfect happiness comes to you.” – R.A. Kartini

She succeeded in being one of the pioneers of the women’s emancipation movement in Indonesia. Her story is known not only in Indonesia but also worldwide. Even there are roads named after her in the Netherlands, precisely in the cities of Utrecht, Venlo, Amsterdam, and Haarlem. These were all made to honor her iconic effort.

As the successors of the nation’s youth, we should never give up during hard times. Do not complain and procrastinate too much. Always be grateful because you live in this era where everything is even easier from the colonial days. The only obstacle is yourself,. Remember that your greatest enemy is no longer the colonialist but your laziness. From now on, start filling your days with productive and beneficial activities. Everyone can make a change, and every effort counts. Most importantly, remember that the future is in your hands.





Setiya, Y. (2020). 20 Quotes R.A Kartini, Inspirasi Perempuan Indonesia. Accessed 9 April 2020, from https://dianisa.com/quotes-r-a-kartini/

Lisa. (2017). 6 Fakta Kisah RA Kartini yang Jarang Diketahui Banyak Orang. Accessed 9 April 2020, from https://www.idntimes.com/hype/fun-fact/malisa-ladini/6-fakta-di-balik-emansipasi-ra-kartini-c1c2/full

Nazal, B. (2017). Perjuangan Kartini demi Emansipasi Wanita. Accessed 9 April 2020, from https://kumparan.com/bily-nazal/perjuangan-kartini-demi-emansipasi-wanita 

 Administrator. (2019). Ini Fakta Unik Seputar R.A. Kartini. Accessed 9 April 2020, from https://www.sisternet.co.id/read/281318-ini-9-fakta-unik-seputar-r-a-kartini-kamu-sudah-tahu





Nindita Windriyani Putri