Why BNEC Anniversary Should Be Celebrated

Hello, Extraordinaries! It’s the 27th BNEC anniversary! Our birthday party is right around the corner. But, have you ever thought about why we even bother celebrating birthdays or anniversaries? When you think about it, they’re really just an opportunity for your friends and family to come together and congratulate you for surviving another year. But for some reason, it’s become far more than that. The fact that we are an organization makes anniversary even more important to celebrate. Here is some of our reason why celebrating a birthday or anniversary is important.

Celebrating your anniversary is an expression of gratitude

An anniversary is a time to celebrate birth itself. It is our expression of thanks to God for creating us and allowing us to remain all this time to live and develop. It is also an occasion to rethink our goals. It is a great time for us to reflect on our past, evaluate our present, and make plans for our future. It is a time when our past intersects with our present and future.

An anniversary is a chance to refresh

An anniversary is not only a time to think about our birth, but our anniversary is also a time to think about our rebirth. To recall our birth is to recall a new beginning and a new goal. No matter how things went yesterday, or last year, we always have the capacity to try again. Our anniversary is a refresher and a chance to be better.

Allows us to meet people who play bigger roles in our life

Anniversaries are great ways to bond with friends and family. Usually, people make a special effort to be nice on a birthday or anniversary. Birthday presents are great, but for us, a wish that comes from the heart is worth all the presents in this world from those who love us. It truly is the thought that counts.

So, don’t forget to come to our birthday party and be sure to celebrate your own when the time comes!

“The achievement of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of each individual.”

Happy 27th Anniversary BNEC! May all your dreams and goals come true in this coming year.

Raymond Owen Labuan