Violetta Ardyan Putri




Millennials is a terminology for current young generation in the range age of 15-34 years. This generation is fully affected by technology as they were born in a progressive technology advancement era. Several characteristics describe them are:

  1.   Attached more to flexible work

There is no limit or boundaries of their productivity workplace. They could do their work not only in the workplace, but everywhere and anytime as long as there is internet connection.

  1.   Focusing on passion rather than high salary

Freedom in pursuing their dream and passion is the most important thing and affecting their performance. They prefer to express freely rather than being ordered to do something to get high salary.

  1.   Love challenges and creativity

Challenges and creativity are the things describing this generation. Through these 2 things, they are the ones who create demand over companies. They could move from one to another if they feel bored. So, we could say that companies are the ones that need them.

However, as coins have two sides, everything definitely has the good thing and bad thing. Aside from those good characteristics, millennials also has 1 significant characteristic that could bring significant problems which is dependency over Social Media. Based on studies, 95% of millennials are the ones who are connected with Social Media everyday. Sometimes social media is used to show their existence, like where they are, what they are doing, and even the place for them to express themselves.

But again, something that is overused will lead to dependency and bring negative impact. We are being extremely too addicted with Social Media that we abandon our surroundings and influence us to be lazy in doing things and lack of politeness are instance how dependencies of Social Media could sway its good purpose. The Social Media that is created to help mankind in communicating and interacting with other people, even seems like becoming our “primary needs” that distance and disconnect us with our surroundings which actually worsen our interaction with other people and our self-development.

Concerning those impacts, as an English club who cares for the future of millennials around the world, we would like to hold online international youth campaign supporting The International Youth Day on August 12, 2017 with the theme I Am Not Bonded to The Screen, I Am Committed to Be Keen (#IAmAKeenMillennial)

How to Do Campaign

  • Pre-Campaign (1 July – 11 August 2017)
  1. Every participating institution will make a short creative video with 2-3 minutes length in which the content:
    – What is social media?
    – What is social media to you?
    – Do you know that you could misuse the social media?
    – Do you want to be the slave of social media?
    – So, what is your choice now?
    – And the end of the video, there should be tagline
    * I Am Not Bonded To The Screen, I Am Committed To Be Keen
    * #IAmAKeenMillennialThe video must include participating institution’s logo and BNEC’s logo which could be downloaded here
    – You could make the video creatively.
    The video could be seen here:
  1. The video title should be in the format #IAmAKeenMillennial – Institution Name ft. BINUS English Club (BNEC) and will be submitted to BNEC the latest at the end of July through Google Drive and share the link to:
  • Djoko Sugiyono
    @lwc- (Line ID)
  • Dhia Zafira
    @keybaro (LINE ID)
  1. The video should be in English.
  2. The video will be compiled by BNEC to be collaboration video with other organizations and the compilation video will be posted on August 12, 2017 in BNEC Social Media and your Social Media.
  3. The video of each participating institution will be posted also before August 12, 2017 as teaser video (the participating institution could post it too).

Every participant could put the campaign watermark as their profile pictures in Social Media. The watermark will be designed by BNEC.

  • D-Day (12 August 2017)
  1. BNEC will share the edited video to every participating institution.
  2. Each institution post the edited video from BNEC through their social media (the same as BNEC).

Let us join this campaign to give more awareness to the youth because we are the hope for us and our next generation. Remember! Our small act could lead to the change of the future. Let us be the change and create better future for us. So, what are you waiting for?

