Teaching English has always been a hit or miss for some of us. Everyone has different methods and different ways to grasp the lesson they got from their teacher. With this article, we’ll be talking about how to teach English both for beginners and advanced learners alongside with the tips that’ll help them study English. So that they’ll find learning English is fun and enjoyable.

  • Simple and Compact 

Open the tutor session with a simple instruction, this will help the one we’re teaching to understand the instruction better and less miscommunication while teaching. Breaking down the material into smaller and compact units can also help them to grasp the material better and not be taken aback by the amount of the things they should study.

  • Check Their Understanding

As we know that English is not their native language, checking their understanding related to the chapter or material they’re studying becomes important. Other than raising their hand to ask questions, we can read their body language to know their understanding and ask them personally in case they feel pressured and shy to ask in front of the class.

  • Repetition is The Key

Give students plenty of time to repeat the material they’ve just learned and also ask them to repeat words or sentences. Using the repeating method helps to enhance their speaking skills alongside the intonation they use. Don’t forget to assure the students that it’s okay to not be perfect at the first time and practice makes perfect.

  • Use Interesting Activity

Learning methods shouldn’t limit your creativity. Instead of just using the regular learning methods, try to use an interesting activity or imply a little bit of game so that students can find our class exciting and raise their interest in learning English. We can use features like kahoot or other games to make our class become fun.

  • Show Example

It can be confusing for new learners about grammar terms. Instead of directly telling them about the terms, giving out a few examples related to the grammar with a different approach would be a better way to introduce it to them. By using different kinds of teaching methods, such as utilizing picture, drawing, or short kits will make students find the class exciting.

Now that you know how to teach English, especially for beginners, don’t forget to apply five things that we’ve mentioned above to make the learning process fun and exciting even for the beginners. Hope it helps!


Brand, M., & Brand, M. (2022, July 6). 7 tips for teaching English to beginners. Resources for English Language Learners and Teachers | Pearson English. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from https://www.english.com/blog/teaching-english-to-beginners/

6 Tips for Teaching English to Complete Beginners. (n.d.). GoAbroad.com. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from https://www.goabroad.com/articles/teach-abroad/teaching-english-to-complete-beginners

Rahmadira Febi Herdiningtyas