Idioms are words that have no meaning but can be explained with expressions. For people who like to read books or novels in English, idioms are familiar. Idioms are also not only known in English, but all languages ​​used by humans have their idioms.

So, what is the importance of idioms? Idioms are important because idioms are used as communication bridges so that communication can be more creative and get an important value in that communication. Idioms are used when we want to convey something indirectly so that the words we give can be more easily understood. For example, “Silver spoon in your mouth.” This doesn’t mean the silver spoon is in our mouth, but it means ‘That person was born into a rich family, so he can enjoy many things.’ So, how do we use idioms? Here are some examples.

  • A Breath of Fresh Air 

The meaning of this idiom does not mean that we breathe in a room that has fresh air. However, the meaning of this idiom is that there will be positive things that will happen in the environment around us.

  • Skin and Bone 

This idiom explains that the person seen is very thin, leaving only bones and skin. However, that doesn’t mean that all that person sees is skin and bones that are detached and separated.

  • The Elephant in The Room 

This idiom does not mean that there is an elephant in a room, but if there is something that the people in the whole room know, but the people in the whole room don’t want to talk about.

  • At The Drop of A Hat 

This idiom is used to express something that happens instantly. For example, if something happens instantly, then this idiom is used for that thing, or something that happens suddenly and makes people around you surprised.

  • Bag of Tricks

This idiom does not mean that there are many tricks in the bag, but someone who has a plan, or technique to solve and deal with a problem that occurs.

So, above are the meanings and some examples of idioms. Do you understand idioms after reading this article? Congratulations on adding knowledge about idioms.


Apa Itu Idiom? Ini Pengertian Dan Contohnya. EF Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2022, from https://www.ef.co.id/englishfirst/kids/blog/pengertian-idiom-dan-contohnya/ 

Administrator. (n.d.). Pentingnya idiom Dalam Bahasa inggris. Retrieved May 10, 2022, from http://stikeswilliambooth.ac.id/artikel-12-Pentingnya-Idiom-dalam-Bahasa-Inggris.html#:~:text=Idiom%20berfungsi%20untuk%20dapat%20menjebatani,komponen%20%E2%80%93%20komponen%20pembentuk%20idiom%20tersebut. 

Laura Theressa Tanod Suhendro