According to Cambridge Dictionary, “scholarship is an amount of money given by a school, college, university, or other organization to pay for the studies of a person with great ability but little money.” It is basically an opportunity for those who have immense potential, and want to realize them. Its mere existence motivates people to strive for academic excellence, and its benefit to those who earned it is immeasurable. There are countless types of scholarship. The ones that we are going to be focused on are the types of scholarship based on where they came from.

  • Government Funded Scholarship

As the name suggests, this scholarship is funded and given by the governments or the government organizations. One of the prime examples of this Scholarship is the Lembaga Pengola Dana Pendidikan or LPDP Scholarship. It is funded by Kementrian Keuangan and is available for almost everyone. It targets students who want to continue their study to master’s degree or doctor’s degree. The scope of its coverage includes the university fees, daily necessity fees, and even the housing cost  Next up we have Bappenas scholarship. Which is mainly targeted for civil servants who want to continue their study. The quota for this scholarship is quite a lot and the range of its scope is also really big. And lastly the LIPI Scholarship which also targets civil servants who want to get doctor’s or master’s degree, with the intent of raising their competence. The kind of scholarship that it offers is research based scholarship. 

  • Private Scholarship

Private scholarships are forms of financial help provided by businesses, nonprofit organizations, service clubs, foundations, and private donors. They come in a wide variety of prices and are frequently customized as per the company. An art history scholarship, for instance, might be provided by a museum. Scholarships for finance majors may be offered by banks. etc. One of the most popular scholarships of this type is the Djarum Scholarship which offers a one year funding, which aims to cultivate hard skills and knowledge. Other than that, they also offer training, which aims to cultivate the soft skills, characters, leadership, and so much more. After that we have a Sampoerna Scholarship. This scholarship targets newly graduated students. It offers insane benefits with almost four years full funding, from education’s fees to everyday life necessity. We also have the BCA Scholarship, which targets high school graduates, they offer two types of programs. Program Pendidikan Bisnis dan Perbankan (PPBP) and Program Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (PPTI). Both last for 30 months and have most of their cost covered by BCA.

  • University Scholarship

This type of scholarship is given and funded by universities and targeted to their own students. BINUS for example offers this kind of scholarship. The Widia Scholarship for example, offers a fully funded experience. But the requirements are really hard. You have to be a National Competition Winner or International competition winner or represent Indonesia at the International level. BINUS also offers Community Scholarships. Which targets people who are in the main family of an active student or an alumni.

As Mike Murdock said Mike Murdock Said ‘‘You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue.’’ Students nowadays have access to a wide variety of scholarships, whatever your goals may be. There are probably scholarships available that can help you to achieve it. But don’t forget that scholarships are competitive and may have really strict requirements for qualifying. Make sure to do your research, send in your applications ahead of time, and carefully follow all guidelines to improve your chances of success. With the right strategy and some luck, getting a scholarship may not just be a dream!


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Alex Sandro Steven