GPA is one of the main measurements of academic success. Thus, it is important to not let it slip through out of our control. But getting and maintaining a good GPA are not just some easy tasks. Getting and maintaining a good GPA can at times feel like trying to climb over mount Everest. Seems impossible at first, but with enough preparation, good strategy, and a strong will. Everyone can tackle it. The creation of this article aims to help you find the right strategy and mindset so that we can achieve our goal GPA. Here are some of the tips.

  • Set Yourself a “S.M.A.R.T” Goal: A good goal can help us to find directions. Which is why it is important to have a good goal. ”S.M.A.R.T” or (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Specific means know exactly what you want.  For example, to get a score minimum of 90, or to get a better score than last time. measurable means you can track your progress. This is mainly to help you get motivated, because we can actually see that we are improving. Achievable means that our goal shouldn’t be impossible to reach. For example, your goal is to get 100 on every subject. That is a nigh impossible goal. It is bad because it will just demotivate us when the goal isn’t accomplished, even though it is literally impossible to achieve. Relevant means that our goal should actually be related to what we want to do. For example, to improve GPA means that your goal shouldn’t be to go to as many parties as possible, and lastly time-bound means that you should give yourself a deadline. This is to keep us from slacking off and keep procrastinating.
  • Do Not Look Down on Assignments!: assignments are part of your GPA. although they might not be the biggest part of it individually. They are still, nevertheless, part of your GPA. Especially when accumulated.  Do your assignment like your life depends on it. Don’t just submit the bare minimum. Try to do your best. because it might even come in clutch when needed.
  • Plan Your Work!: Being a student can be pretty overwhelming at times. with all the assignments, projects, tests, extracurricular activity etc. It is easy to get lost amidst all the chaos. Which is why it is important to plan out your work. You can try the 4d technique. Do Delegate Delay Delete. It is a system where you divide stuff you want to do into 4 categories.  The important and urgent ones go to Do. The unimportant and urgent ones go to Delegate. The important and not urgent ones go to Delay. Lastly, the unimportant and not urgent ones go to Delete. After that, you can easily know what to do first, what to do next, etc.
  • Ask Questions!: Often times when students are confused, they are afraid to ask questions. They are afraid that it will make them look stupid, which is ridiculous. Questions should be asked when you have questions. do not be afraid to ask or else you might risk yourself getting left behind. If you are really nervous about asking Questions publicly, you can try to approach the lecturer, or even reach out to them through chats. just ask questions when needed. They are most likely willing and happy to help.
  • Try Different Study Methods!:   Try to study using different methods. Mix and match. Find out which one works the best for you and stick to it. For my recommendation, you can try the “Active Recall” technique, where you study using flashcards. you can try the app “Anki” for this.

These are just some of the strategies you can try to implement to your university life. It definitely isn’t just going to suddenly make your grades go up overnight. Changing is a slow process. Just keep doing your best and you will see the results sooner or later. “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn


Renahan, M. (2021, June 15). The 4 D’s of Productivity, and How to Use Them.

Indeed Editorial Team. (2023, March 11). 15 Strategies To Improve Your GPA. Indeed Career Guide.

  1. (2023b, April 5). Tips On How To Improve Your GPA. Amber.

GPA Calculator. (2022b, December 3). Learn how to improve GPA.

Alex Sandro Steven