Pic Source: https://www.thespruceeats.com/a-guide-to-chocolate-varieties-520311

In 2021, it was estimated that 1 billion people eat chocolate everyday, but can you imagine a world without chocolate? Recent studies indicate that it may happen by the year 2050. The cocoa plant is in danger due to climate change and other factors, which may ultimately result in the disappearance of chocolate.

Cocoa is primarily grown in West Africa, where over 60% of the world’s cocoa supply is produced. However, as temperatures rise due to climate change, the growing conditions for cocoa become increasingly challenging. Cocoa trees are sensitive to temperature changes and require specific conditions to thrive. Additionally, pests and diseases, such as cocoa pod borer and black pod disease, are becoming more prevalent and resistant to traditional control methods. These issues are further compounded by the fact that many cocoa farmers lack the resources and knowledge to combat these challenges effectively. Not just chocolate lovers worldwide are concerned about the possible extinction of chocolate. Moreover, it has significant social and economic ramifications. A significant industry, chocolate generates billions of dollars in sales and employs millions of people. It is also a cultural icon and an important component of many customs and occasions.

The issues affecting the cocoa business are being addressed by a number of groups and projects. For instance, the World Cocoa Foundation and other organizations encourage and teach cocoa growers to increase yields and more effectively control pests and illnesses. Researchers are also striving to create new cocoa cultivars that are more pest and climate-change resistant. The M&M and Snickers manufacturer Mars has partnered with the University of California, Berkeley, to make chocolate trees that don’t decay or wilt. To accomplish this, the study team used CRISPR, a gene-editing technique that modifies a living organism’s DNA. But it can take some time before GMO cacao is available for purchase. 

So, what can we do as a consumer? We can play a role in supporting a sustainable cocoa industry by choosing chocolate made from sustainable sources and supporting companies that prioritize ethical and environmental concerns. We can help drive change in the industry. It should be noted that the probable extinction of chocolate by 2050 is a major issue that has to be addressed quickly. The issue is exacerbated by climate change, deforestation, low production, and exploitation, and solutions must be developed to solve these issues. Together, we can make sure that one of the most cherished sweets in the world will be enjoyed by future generations.



Felicia Josevine