Friendship is an affectionate bond between individuals. In comparison to “acquaintance” or “association,” it is a stronger sort of interpersonal tie. Your life can benefit greatly from friendships. Good friends push you to grow as a person and teach you about yourself. When things get difficult, they motivate you to keep going and join you in celebrating your victories. Here are 4 reasons why we need friends in our life.

  • Good for Your Physical and Mental Health 

It turns out that having good connections helps maintain a healthy body. A tight group of friends can lower your risk of developing health issues including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Strong social bonds can also help reduce feelings of loneliness, which research has shown can shorten your lifespan. 

  • Boosting your confidence

Even when we are unable to see it in ourselves, a good friend frequently sees the best in us. Having a close friendship with someone who always serves to remind us of our greatness and talent is one of friendship’s greatest advantages. It is brought to our notice by these wonderful friends in our weakest moments. When we encounter failure and disappointment, our true friends help us to see our virtues, worth, and potential for greatness. In situations where we might personally stumble, they make sure we get back up.

  • Making new habits

Friendships can support you in making lifestyle changes that can have a direct influence on your well-being. It is one explanation for those health advantages. Your buddies can assist you in setting and achieving goals, such as improving your diet and increasing your exercise. They can also keep an eye on you and alert you if any harmful behaviors (like binge drinking) become a problem.

  • Friends offer different perspectives on things

It’s common knowledge that opposites do attract, and this is true in all relationships. People who are different from you can be really intriguing. They may have interests or points of view that you have never considered, and they often act in ways that you would never expect. In fact, having friends with diverse interests or perspectives from your own will keep you on your toes and may even be the key to improving your level of happiness in your own life.

Therefore, it’s never too late to make new friends or get in touch with old ones! Spending time to cultivate and maintain friendships can result in improved health and a more positive outlook for years to come.


Allarakha, S. (2021, September 16). Benefits of Friendship: Why Do We Need a Friend in Our Life? MedicineNet. https://www.medicinenet.com/why_do_we_need_a_friend_in_our_life/article.htm

Cuncic, A. (2021, January 8). The Top 6 Reasons Friends Are Important. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-importance-of-friendship-3024371

Kristenson, S. (2022, April 22). 7 Benefits of Friendship & Making New Friends. Happier Human. https://www.happierhuman.com/benefits-friendship/

Mayo Clinic. (2022, January 12). Friendships: Enrich your life and improve your health. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/friendships/art-20044860

Nathania Desnauli T