Have you traveled from across the country or across the globe, moving away for college is a significant shift.  Homesickness is a familiar feeling that students feel when studying in a different city far from home. If you’re missing home, simply remember that you’re definitely not alone. The first few months far from home would feel the hardest and most challenging, but we’ve put together some ways to get rid of homesickness.

  • Celebrate being homesick for 24 hours.

Being homesick isn’t a sign of weakness, and you shouldn’t berate yourself for it. Most college students experience homesickness, and if you view it as something to feel bad about, you’ll just make matters worse. Give yourself some time to feel homesick. Cry it out, healthy it’s for the soul! However, set a time limit on your moping. Give yourself 24 hours, pause, and join that group of new friends you made last week for quality time and enjoy it.

  • Get out and engage in some activity.

Although it may be tempting to use your room as a personal refuge, spending a lot of time there will simply make you feel more homesick. Your feelings will intensify if you isolate yourself because you’ll think about your missing home more. Plan day trips, study in the library rather than your dorm, get a part-time job, or even try out some extracurricular activities in an effort to keep oneself busy.

  • Find out a location you are acquainted with

Finding a “favorite” place is crucial, similar to developing a pattern. It should be somewhere comfortable and familiar that makes you feel at home, like a park bench or a cafe with plush couches. Soon, baristas will be familiar with your coffee-drinking style, or you’ll begin to see the same individuals walking their dogs every day.

  • Alleviate boredom

The more time you spend thinking about home, the more you wish to be there. Boredom is a fantastic homesickness trigger. Join a gym, volunteer, take a class, or sign up for events at your school to keep yourself occupied and active. Making friends and becoming immersed in the community can be accomplished by being active outside. Be active around the community you are in right now and keep yourself productive.

  • Select real life over social media

We can text, talk, and even use free video chat to stay in touch, which has never been simpler. It can be challenging to not only think about all that is happening at home when we have access to photos and videos that show what everyone is doing where and when. But not being on social media can be a blessing; after all, you traveled to another country to try something new. Limit the amount of time you spend on social media and turn off the notification on your phone so that when you do start to feel better, you won’t be distracted by thoughts of home.

  • Avoid comparing yourself to others.

One of the biggest misconceptions about college is that it’s a nonstop party where you have few obligations and drink most nights of the week. It’s simple to think that you’re not having as much fun as other people are when you look at their Instagram stories, or that you’re doing something wrong. But keep in mind that social media just provides a shallow glimpse into people’s real life. Don’t try to compare your college experience to others, and don’t expect every day to be perfect.

  • Seek assistance

When entering a new surroundings, you might not be familiar with it, so this can be confusing. It might be difficult to adjust at first to the transition from high school to university, so there is no shame in asking for assistance. Don’t suffer in silence if you are having problems with anything. Worrying about your studies or finances when you’re homesick will only make matters worse, so take action to resolve any problems or seek assistance as soon as they appear. You’ll discover that universities offer counseling services that you might use if you require mental health support in addition to speaking with your professors directly.

Those are some ways to overcome homesickness when you are far away from home. Being away at college can be stressful and difficult. There may be times when you feel as though you belong at home and wonder why you ever left. There will be times when you’ll miss aspects of your home that you never anticipated missing. However, many methods are available to make college feel like home, even if you really miss it.


Butler, J. (2021, September 3). 10 ways to deal with homesickness. Save the Student.

(2016, February 22). 8 easy hacks that will help you cope with homesickness. GO Blog | EF United States.

J. (2019, October 17). 6 ways to get rid of homesickness. The Odyssey Online.

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