Love is a word that has a huge meaning behind it. Many words or sentences could describe love, but sometimes it’s too much until it becomes too hard to express. People understand that love is when you like someone with your whole heart, you want to be with them until the end of your life, and they are your universe. When you are in love with someone, your behavior will not be the same as when you are with others. There are 5 languages of love that could help you express your love to your partner.

  1. Word of Affirmation

Communicate your love with appreciation and respect to your partner. Use positive words or phrases to cheer them up and make them happy. Usually, these words of affirmation are complement, encouragement words that mean you care for them. 


-“Everything’s better when you’re here.”

-“You did a good job.”

-“Thank you for being here.”

-“I like your style.”

-“You are so pretty.”

-“I’m so lucky to be with you.”,said%20directly%20to%20the%20person.

2. Quality Time

Quality time is one way to unwind from various challenges in life with loved ones, share jokes and do fun things without distractions from other people. This allows us to chat and vent about the complaints experienced while also doing various activities with loved ones. For example, going on dates and having fun at the theme park without checking your phone, watching TV with your partner, or discussing something. The most important thing is that you could spend time being with your partner so that your partner knows that they matter to you and that you always spend time in a day just to be with them.

3. Receiving Gifts

A person that always gives you gifts. Someone with this love language will give their beloved one something that makes them happy, such as makeup, clothes, food, accessories, or something meaningful. Someone with this love language is happy when the person receiving the gift is happy too. It serves as a reminder that they are loved.

For example:

  • Getting their partner tickets to see their favorite musician or artist
  • Sending their partner flowers
  • Having a coffee or lunch delivered to their partner
  • Buying their partner’s favorite food,-Of%20all%20the&text=%E2%80%9CIf%20you%20or%20your%20partner’s,50%2Dfoot%20sailboat%20is%20inconsequential.

4. Acts of Service

The act of service is one of five languages that express their love with action that could help and support their partner without hesitation and sincerity. Someone who has this love language will notice small details. This love language is about how you treat your partner without any consideration. Simple activities showing you care about them can be a powerful way to know that you love and care about them in activities that they can actually do on their own too.


  • Nurse them when they’re sick
  • Help to open the door for partner
  • Help tie their shoelaces
  • Carry groceries
  • Give a jacket when your partner is cold
  • Not letting your partner walk near the shoulder of the road

5. Physical Touch

Body language is important in this love language because that means you prefer physical expressions of love over all other expressions, such as hugging, cuddling, holding hands, etc. Physical touch could mean that you and your partner are connected and close to each other. This is the easiest way to express your love, be intimate with your partner (without having to buy gifts), and could create emotional intimacy with your partner.

Those are various ways to express love with your partner. Love is wide; you can do more than what has been mentioned. Remember that what matters most is that you are sincere and love them, making them feel safe and comfortable with you. Give your whole heart to express that to your loved ones.

Feby Natasya