Your first day on the job sets the tone for the rest of your career. Many of the skills you’ll need to do your work properly will be taught to you on your first day. For example, you’ll view your workspace, learn about your daily routine and schedule, meet your coworkers, become acquainted with various sections of your office or building, and much more. Your first day at work sets the tone for the rest of your career, and it’s true that you never get a second opportunity to create a good first impression. So, when coming to your first day, make sure to prepare these things.


  • Research your company


Examine every employee bio you can find, as well as statistics on the company’s health and history. For example, how long has it been in business, has there ever been a layoff at the company, is it a publicly-traded company, or is the stock market performing well? Also, examine your coworkers and your employer. You don’t have to go full stalk-mode, but you should refresh your memory and familiarize yourself with the facts about your company and surroundings.


  • Dress up


Make a good first impression by dressing appropriately and according to the company’s dress code. Wearing a dress shirt and tie or a pantsuit with oxfords, flats, or sensible heels is an option. You may change your outfit selections later if everyone around you is dressed more casually. If it feels suitable, you can also remove your tie or jacket later in the day. It’s always nice to dress accordingly and leave a good impression on your coworkers.


  • Ask a lot of questions


Don’t be hesitant to ask questions when you learn about new procedures, endeavors, and individuals. People will want you to catch up quickly because you are the new member of the team. Also, even if it appears simple, make thorough notes on everything you learn. During this week, your mind will be overloaded, so writing everything down will save you from asking the same question more than once. Therefore, if you’re unsure, ask a question. Compared to attempting to figure things out on your own, it will help you become proficient a lot faster.


  • Prepare an elevator pitch


Prepare a 30-second introduction of who you are and where you worked previously since many of your new coworkers will probably inquire about it. Briefly describe your employment background and your new position to anybody you encounter. Inform them about your most recent employer and your upcoming responsibilities. Additionally, you should be prepared to discuss your reasoning for changing employment.


  • Offer to help


As your supervisor and colleagues get used to having you around during your first few days on the job, there can be some downtime. However, offer to assist your new coworkers on a project rather than waiting around for them to figure things out. You’ll take the initiative, get along with your employer and coworkers, and discover what is expected of you, what is done, and how things are done.

Here are the things you need to prepare when starting your first day at work. Even when the first few days on the job might be a little daunting, whether it’s your first job or your fifth. But with this, you can quickly adjust to your new surroundings, catch up with everyone, and establish positive working relationships with your new employer and coworkers.


12 tips for a successful first day at a new position. (2020, February 26). Indeed Career Guide. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/starting-new-job/first-day-of-work

Allen, S. (2019, October 14). 11 things you need to do before your first day of work | ladders. Ladders | Business News & Career Advice. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/do-these-11-things-before-your-first-day-of-work

Katen, L. (2020, June 19). Your guide to your first week on the job. The Muse. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from https://www.themuse.com/advice/your-guide-to-your-first-week-on-the-job

Petrone, P. (2019, September 2). The 10 things you should do in the first 30 days of a new job. Linked In Learning Blog. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from https://www.linkedin.com/business/learning/blog/career-success-tips/the-10-things-you-should-do-in-the-first-30-days-of-a-new-job

Katryn Tania Tannady